I enjoyed the first couple of Ghost Recon games that came out for the Xbox and am having fun with Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. I particularly like being given an objective and having some freedom to decide how to tackle it. What other games are there like this that I might like? How does the first Operation Flashpoint game compare?
I’m in the market for Xbox 360 games only, my laptop is not up to gaming standards unfortunately.
Another game I liked was a tactical shooter that I can’t remember the name of. You had a squad of four and you couldn’t directly have them shoot things, instead you gave them zones to cover and got them to suppress enemies while you flanked them and that sort of thing. It was set in an urban environment. Began with W I think.
Sounds like SWAT 4, Rainbow Six Vegas or Full Spectrum Warrior. Oh, or Brothers In Arms. First one’s a cop game (duh), second one’s a special forces against terrorists game, third one’s a US Army vs. Nondescript Arabs, and last one’s a WW2 series.
Of those, my favorite is SWAT4 (and it’s add-on). It’s less “hooah !”, and you have to worry about hostages, securing evidence, not killing everyone on sight etc… on top of Rule Number One : don’t get shot to pieces. Oh, and you get to shoot dumb criminals and neo-nazis in the face with a paintball marker that shoots pepperspray pellets. What’s not to like ?
Im not sure they have them for the XBox, but if they do I’d definitely rent one and try it out. I’ve only played one, SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs, but I really enjoyed it and played the heck out of it. Good soundtrack, good controls, decent not-completely-stupid AI, good story, etc.
Another vote for the Rainbow Six series, specifically Vegas and Vegas 2 (since you’re limited to the 360). It’s more “police action” than “open warfare”, but they’re still excellent squad-based tactical shooters with a lot of flexibility in how to complete your objectives.
Maybe Left 4 Dead.
The Call of Duty series is similar, but unfortunately much more linear and more run-n-gun than tactical or precision-oriented.
Far Cry and Far Cry 2
Red Faction: Guerrilla (note: I only played its predecessor on the PC and the demo for this version, so I’m not sure about this)?