Recommend some new TV series (network/basic cable ONLY)

Sept to mid-Oct is always the massive crush time for me at work every year, so any new TV series being promoted is inevitably going to be completely off my radar. It’s only around now that I start catching up on TV series that I do watch, and maybe getting exposed to what the new season has to offer.

I don’t have pay cable, so no HBO, Showtime, etc. I also don’t have streaming, so no Amazon, Netflix, etc. I have the basic cable package (AMC, TBS, FX, etc.)

So what are some new series that I should give a try based on the channels I do have? The only ones I’ve checked out so far are THE GOOD PLACE and SPEECHLESS, both of which I like well enough thus far. Anything else worth a look?

Please, no reality shows. I’m also not big on evening soaps (like EMPIRE) but am generally open to anything else.