Recommend the best games for PS3/PS4

I have a PS3…suppose I’ll break down and get a PS4 someday.

So what I’m looking for are the best games you feel lend themselves towards the controllers over a PC.

For instance it’s been a while, but I seem to recall liking the GTA games better with a controller.

And definitely I feel the South Park Stick of Truth is just fine for a PS3 cause a great deal of it may as well be four direction controlling. It isn’t but a lot of it is.

Hope my question isn’t too confusing.

Horizon: Zero Dawn for PS4 doesn’t do anything new from Far Cry and the like, but it does it very well. It’s easily my favorite game this year so far.

The Last of Us is probably my favorite game of all time. And I’ll second Horizon: Zero Dawn, although I got stuck and haven’t touched it in a while.

Lemme add Firewatch and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture too. And any of the Uncharted games really.

I think driving games in general are better with a controller than a keyboard, though steering wheel setup is probably even better. It’s easy enough to use a controller with a PC by the way. There are lots of reasons I prefer playing games on my PS4 rather than on my computer, but the controller per se isn’t one of them. It’s about relaxing on the couch in front of a big screen with surround sound and a cat comfortably on my lap. This can be done with a PC of course, but in my house it is the PS4 that has this setup.

Driving games, platformers, fighting games, sports games. All better with a controller than a keyboard/mouse.

Keyboard/mouse is better for FPSes, strategy games, and their MOBA offspring.

Have you tried attaching a gamepad to your PC? You can attachor pair pretty much any gamepad to it and it will just work. (you’ll need blue tooth for the dual shockand a wireless adapter for the Xbox controller for wireless connections).

I’m new to gaming. My son gave me his PS3 and I started playing around with it. I happened to catch a trailer for Zero Dawn and decided I needed to buy a PS4. It is a fun game but I’m not skilled enough yet not actually play it (yet). (I got stuck on the ambush right after the proving) Also, I apparently have some things to learn when it comes to “open world” gaming.
The Last of Us is fucking awesome! (PS4)

Late Shift is a fun game that can be played by anyone.
And for PS3, Portal 2 is an absolute must.

Okami (PS3)
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir (PS3/PS4)

Uh. I’m sure I’m forgetting others, but those are the ones I can recall that for some reason aren’t available on PC.

Seconding Horizon Zero Dawn, I thought it was wonderful. (I’ve never played Far Cry.) Depending on what OP is into, suggestions may not translate, but I really enjoyed GTAV, Fallout 4, and the remastered Skyrim. I’m just getting into The Last Of Us, and sure can’t comment further until my fingers unlearn the Horizon Zero Dawn buttons and learn the new ones!

ETA: Horizon Zero Dawn has already been seconded, so I’m thirding it.

Right before I played HZD I played Doom, where if you hesitated or stopped moving, you died. With HZD it isn’t that way. If you feel like taking cover and collecting your thoughts, that’s A-ok. (With human enemies, I had much better luck just clubbing the bastards.)

My favorite from the last few years

The Witcher 3
Assassins Creed 2
Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Uncharted 1, 2, 3, & 4
Saints Row: The Third
The Witness
The Talos Principle
Life Is Strange
Gone Home
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Red Dead Redemption
Rocket League

The key to HZD is to take your time and be smart. If your rush through something you’re probably going to die. Put points into your concentration and go for headshots. When you start fighting the dinosaurs go to your notebook and read up; it’ll help you take them down.

Second key is to avoid melee range. You’ll die.