Recommendations on site to buy a laptop this weekend

Much as I hate to participate in the gluttonous orgy of shopping this weekend, my stepson is going to college soon, and we need to get him a laptop. Our finances being what they are, we need to get the most bang for our buck that we can, and I’m hoping that we can find a good deal that’s actually available over the next few days.

I know there are lots of little sites out there that are less well-known than, say, Amazon or Dell or whatever, and I’ve seen people recommend them for good deal, but I don’t know what they are. That’s why I’m turning to the Dopers. We’re looking for a basic laptop that can handle internet and basic college student-type stuff. Not gaming. Our budget is basically “as little as possible”. I don’t think I’ll go above $500. It doesn’t need to be top of the line, but it would be nice if it weren’t a piece of crap that is going to die in six months.

Advice? Thanks.

I forgot to state explicitly that this is online only. We live in the middle of nowhere, and even if we didn’t, wild horses couldn’t drag me into a physical store while all this nonsense is going on.

I have found to be a good site to buy computers and hardware from. You should be able to get a decent laptop for under $500.

Amazon undersells almost everybody.

Do not buy from Best Buy.

I’ve also found is fine. So is Also consider Dell and Lenovo, especially their outlet sites.

You don’t want to buy from a particular site - you want a good deal ! Check and search for laptop, anything that makes the front page is usually a pretty good deal.

I have bought quite a bit of stuff from for home and work and have been quite happy with them.

One trick I often employ wherever I’m shopping is to also look up the item on to compare the price and read the reviews.

Also, searches the internet for the best deals for you. I got a great deal on a tv a couple of years ago with it.