Red Green Movie!

Doing a search of the web for something else Red Green related, I found this press release!

Of course, true to the Red Green motif, the plot involves Duct Tape. Here’s an excerpt from the press release:

Anyone else looking forward to this?

Woo hoo, yeah! Although it’s a big stretch as to whether they can take characters that are more adapted to the short “skit” type humor they do on the show and make them work for two hours.

Hey, no problem! What do we have holding the plot together? Duct tape! And with Harold back to keep those guys organized, it’s sure to run smoothly!

I am mildly worried. Still, I’m pulling for em. We’re all in this together, and I hope they can keep their sticks on the ice.

I too worry that “Red Green” might not translate well to the big screen. Still, if it’s any good at all it will be great! :slight_smile:

I think that Red Green must be a boy thing.
I grew up with Steve Smith in various bad sit-coms and Red Green seems to be the only one that has worked for him. Good for him! But I’m still not gonna watch it.

He came up to Yellowknife one time, and there was a contest to see who could be the most creative person with duct tape.
I have a picture of my friend Terri in a duct tape bra.

Nah, it’s not just a boy thing, GotN. I love Red Green. Of course, I’m here in Iowa where they build temples to him…

Using duct tape of course.

I’m not sure what worries me more, the idea of a Red Green movie, or the fact that all of you Americans seem to know it well. It never, never, never occured to me that Smith had made it internationally.

Wow! I guess the CWD people are doing their job better than I thought.

I’d sure like to see it! Hope it turns out better than the movie version of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (the latter was basically an average-at-best post-Joel episode put on the big screen).



It’s cruel to tease. Please provide a link to the picture. :wink:

Alas, it is not to be. After the hard drive Klunk of last week, I have it no longer.
Many apologies, BlackKnight. Really.

A Red Green movie! Wow, I never thought I’d live to see the day. Anyone know where I can get advance tickets?

I had forgotten all about this. Anyone else curious what clayton is answering “yes” to when he bumped this?

Anyway, as long as it’s back, I checked the website again and all I can find is that filming was completed in June. I haven’t seen anything about potential release dates yet.

Oops, I was reading some of your past posts, i replied to one when i was thinking of another, sorry about that.


I’m guessing the last line of your OP.

Or not.

I didn’t even think to read my OP. Yes, I am that stupid.

Anyway clayton, I’m not complaining, I was just confused.

I’ll pay a little more attention next time, less windows open.