"Red vs. Blue" or, "I can't believe I died for this war!"

So, any fans of “Red vs. Blue” out there?

A bunch of guys got together and made an animated show using the game Halo on the X-Box. Basically, it tells the story of a deathmatch game of Halo on an isolated game map from the perspective of the soldiers… And these particular soldiers don’t have a clue as to why the hell they are there or why they should even be fighting. It has a very “Clerks” or “South Park” kind of feel. Some of the production values are a little rough (hey, it’s a bunch of guys using a video game to make a movie!) but the writing is extremely funny and there’s no way of predicting what is going to happen.

You can download the three minute “episodes” at http://www.redvsblue.com. If you have winamp5, you can catch a video stream of the first season on “Internet TV” by looking for the RedvsBlue channel. The IMDB even has a quote page, good for a few laughs: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0401747/quotes

Definitely worth checking out!


Did they really use ‘Halo’? I could’ve sworn this was around long before Halo.

OK, reading the history on the web page, I guess it was Halo from the beginning.

I was just about to make a topic about this! The writing is extremely good, but I can’t help feeling like the funny’s going to run out soon. It seems like they’re using too much funny for them to be able to keep this up. The first 10 episodes are really amazing, and once you get used to opening it in Quicktime (make sure you change the player settings to not open every movie in a new window) and the not-too-great sound quality, they upgrade the sound quality and give you WMV/DivX options. Also, be sure to check out their PSAs, which are equally hilarious.

Not that it affects anthing, but it’s actually a capture-the-flag scenario. :smack: Actually, it does matter because a good chunk of the first season deals with that very idea.


“Why are there six pedals if there are only four directions?!”

Funny, I thought this was going to be about miners finding the bombs or something.

I think my favorite episode is when they first introduce the teleporter.

“You’re not going to believe this, but some time in your future…!”

I’ve got all first season and second season (up to episode 33) on my hard drive. Once I stop being so cheap I’ll buy the first season DVD.

And Sheila and Lopez? Who would have thought?

Sounds like fun, but i’d want to watch it from the beggining…and the site doesn’t offer all the shows in effort to sale their dvd i suppose. Anywhere i could go to watch from the beggining?

At the moment they’re hosting the entire current ‘season’ and progressing through the first. Bandwidth costs and all that. Though looking at it, they’re near the end of this progression so they should start over with the first three. Check back in a week or so.

RvB Archive. Every episode is worth watching, but be sure to start with the Trailer.

“And then, he beat him to death with his own skull.”
“How is that physically possible?”
“That’s what he said!”

cut to scene of halo commando being beaten with own skull


that’s exactly what i needed jmizzou, thanks.

I started watching these because of this thread. The first 10 were hilarious and then I got tired of the humor at 17 I was about to stop until

“No you can’t! I’m already dead bitch! I guess the joke’s on you”

Oh my GOD! I laughed so hard. I guess I’m going to have to watch every single one just for moments like that.

“permission to speak freely sir”


“thats fucking disgusting”


www.machinima.com has pretty much all the eps linked for downloading. Including all the SPA (I think). Just look under genre - > comedy

Check out A Great and Majestic Empire while you’re at it. Not quite as funny, but it does have its moments.

Just watched the entire series a couple of days ago. Fantastic stuff.
Although it leaves me with a longing to play CTF again…

“Women are like Voltron. The more you can hook up, the better it is.”

I’ve experienced that several times… There are some episodes that are pretty dry, and just when I’m thinking of tuning out they’ll come back with something that’ll make me snarf my soda.

I’ve also gotten better at weathering some of the slow spots because I’ve gotten used to the characters and their little ideosyncrosies and the running gags like:

The odd love-hate triangle between Sarge, Grif and Simmons.
Donut’s inability to change his pink armor.
Caboose’s ill-fated, one-sided romance with Sheila, and his accidental killing of Church, twice.

But, thanks to broadband, it takes less time to download each episode than it does to watch it, so as long as they keep making them I’ll keep watching 'em!