I’m looking for a good reference book or two for low voltage and DC wiring. What I have in mind is something that addresses:
-soldered v. crimped connections
-types of wiring connctors
-current ratings for wire gauge
-types of splices
-ways to inhibit corrosion
Basically, I’m looking for something similar to what the NEC codebook and a good code guide are for residential and commercial electrical. I expect that there’s something out ther (a navy course book perhaps?) that covers these things, but most of the wiring books that I have seen are way too basic for what I want.
(Mods, please move to IMHO if appropriate. I felt the question was specific enough for GQ. cf)
I think you need to be more specific because DC/low voltage covers a lot of ground. For example, boats have very specific conditions and requirements which do not exist in other applications. The ABYC is the boby which sets the rules for wiring in boats. if you want cars, industrial or other fields, i suppose they have their own, very different, rules.
Actually the ABYC’s Boatowner’s Illustrated Handbook of Wiring (found at sailor’s link) looks like it would come close. I was mainly thinking of automotive wiring, the requirements for which should closely match those for freshwater boating. I also have needed to work in mildly corrosive environments; saltwater work may help there.
Most of what I had in mind was low voltage DC, but I work in factory equipent maintenance and do the occasional work on up to 500V DC and AC. I’m do better work than the spaghetti that a lot of other folks make, but I still have room to learn.