
A question for all age ranges. Will the following relationship last? Why or why not?
Mans previous relationship was with a girl 8 years younger ( they both lived in the same city, lasted for 2 1/2 years. No sex) . He is now with a girl 11 years younger. He met both through the internet. New girl looks like the pervious girl. Same race and all. Before that, he dated a hooters girls who was 3 years older than him and she got married 3 weeks after they broke up, dated a girl who cheated on him with eight different men, dated a girl in the middle east during bombings but she had left him without telling him and a few in high school where he ended up getting bullied by one. And then the last relationship he was in was with a girl he met online, his first online relationship. They both bonded about family, him loseing his father, her not having a good relationship with hers, city life, music, art and life in general. He was very depressed because of his pervious failed relationship and she brought him back to life. Their relationship bloomed when he had to stop using the internet because work had piled up. She was 8 years younger than him. She was a college student who didn’t work, only volunteered. She made him wait a year until they met offline. They broke up because she started getting jealous of the girls he would flirt with and he couldn’t handle her jealousy. Four months later, he tried to get back together with her but she screwed up.
A 31 year old man swoons a 19 year old who just turned 20 through the internet. Both live on different parts of the world. The man has the money to travel back and forth. He flys to her every month. The man has recycled all concepts from his pervious relationship to swoon the new girl. The girl is in college, no job and she has little experience with men. The man has a huge ego, brags about living in the city, owning his own company, traveling on business trips, graduated in top rank from an ivy league school. He hides his relationship from family. He has known her online since she was 15 while he was dating the pervious girl who is only 8 years younger. She is still into stuff like harry potter. He talks about his exes and what they have done to him to make her pity him and want him more.

Will the relationship between the man and the girl 11 years younger last? What’s your opinion.

It’s impossible to say. Maybe they’ll be happy together forever, maybe they’ll be miserable but decide to stick together anyway, maybe they’ll break up tomorrow. Nobody really knows.

Why do you ask? Are you this guy’s ex-girlfriend?


Sometimes you can tell if a relationship will last, but there’s no way to tell if there will be a long term relationship in this one. It sounds too new. The age difference makes it chancier than some, but it’s no disqualifier. Like any relationship, you can judge it’s stability by how the people deal with hardships and conflict.

While pity is certainly the bedrock on which most successful relationships are built, in this case I wouldn’t have high hopes.

Woo, not swoon.
Previous, not pervious.
A 19 year old who just turned 20 is a 20 year old.

I foresee this relationship leading to a long, happy marriage and producing many handsome sons and several virtuous daughters. Aside from a brief, harmless flirtation on both sides in the 7th year of their union, the couple will forsake all others until death do they part.

I can’t help but think this is some sort of persisent ‘freudian slip’. I can’t really figure out how it fits but it feels right.

You got me there. Clever one you are.

If he has to hide their relationship…I say doomed from day 1.

I also have serious questions about anyone in a “relationship” of more than a few months online between people in the same city, that does not result in an in person meetup.

We are also dealing with a metric shitload of possible cultural variables as this appears to be an international connection.

Nobody has any way to judge this particular relationship.

If I had to guess, I’d guess this man has some serious social deficiencies. If your relationship history is mostly online-only long distance relationships with people significantly younger than yourself, I’d guess you are at best avoiding real relationships out of immaturity. At the worst, I’d guess he’s not entirely honest about his situation, but has found a great way to get college girls to send him pictures of his tits.

The previous relationship was in the same city (USA) the guys ex made him wait a year until they met face-to-face to make sure he was serious about her. This new girl he is dating is in Europe and it only took a month for them to meet. He flies out to see her every month. Just thought I should make it clear. And he only talks about his new relationship to “internet friends”. I’m sure he would lie about her age when it comes to introducing her to close friends.

To hell with everyone else’s opinions; I’d like to know ToxicRose’s.

If he cannot fanangle a meeting with someone he met on line in the same city in a lot less than a year I don’t think he really knows what he wants. He sounds very socially inept and has very low self esteem. My bet is that unless he seeks some kind of counseling then he will continue on this path of odd and short relationships, hurting young girls along the way.

Sounding pretty close to a narcissistic Douchebag, not saying he is but if it quacks like a duck…

Then it’s probably a douchebag making a duckface.

I like goats. That is my opinion.

He must have a real vanity thing going…

Really?! Why? They aren’t exactly cute and their milk is gross, IMO. What’s their appeal to you?

Goats are cute, especially Nubians with their cute ears.

How can anybody not like a goat?

He has met both girls the one in the same city **(The girl made him wait because she wasn’t sure if he was serious about the relationship)**and the one in Europe (This girl trusted him right away because she doesn’t know any better) Note: This man has his own company, makes a good amount of money as a trader, graduated 2nd in rank from an ivy league school, a charmer with words, he’s a clever man in general, has very few friends he actually knows (not internet friends), very superficial. Kind of ironic actually because he is no Brad Pitt and he himself feels that his scar (on his forehead due to a car accident, hardly noticeable) makes him look unattractive. Not sure why he goes after younger women.

Superficial relationships, clever, charmer etc are you sure he is not a borderline psychopath?