So my daughter is in her CCD class (uh… Catholic Sunday School) when she tells a story of how she saw a bobblehead Jesus at the mall the other day. So for the remainder of class, they ‘invented’ different humorous religious toys for fun and profit. Dear Jesus, I mean no blasphemy.
So, in the spirit of fun, and taking a light poke at religion, what kind of toys would you fellow dopers like to see manufactured? I’ll throw a few out there that they came up with… Some probably already exist.
Pope on a rope. (When my daughter told me about this one, I thought of the joke about what’s the difference between a lady taking a bath, and lady going to church? The lady going to church has Hope in her Soul, the bathing lady has soap… you get the picture.
candy necklace rosaries
Jesus Pez despenser
Anyone remember Fr. Guido Sarducci’s: Find the pope in pizza?
See 'n Say Bible verses (you know–point at the picture, pull the thread and it says "Deuteronomy 4:42 says . . ")
Saints and Martyrs Collectible Trading Cards (I bet these exist)
A do-it-yourself Mass Kit (for little Catholics): Comes with paper vestments in a liturigal color (collect them all), a plastic chalice, and a supply of candy-coated wafers. Real working censer sold separately! Look for our line of altar boy (and girl) clothing and coming soon–be the first in your parish to get your bishop’s miter!
No link, but there are religious-themed sex toys out there. My personal favorite (which I don’t own) is the Jackhammer Jesus, which is a crucifix attached to a big dildo.
Either I’m hallucinating about my past, or this triggered a memory. I seem to recall having priest paper dolls (circa early-mid 60s) with all the different vestments. I’m guessing it was designed to teach all good little Catholics what the vestments were and the significance of each piece. Anyone else ever see any such thing, or should I seek a good shrink??
I’d like to see liquor flavored communion wafers and big breasted nun dolls the size of Barbie, that you could undress. Also a pope figure that sings like that stupid fish when you clap at it. Maybe an interactive confessional booth with random recorded messages.