March 28, 2003, 12:51am
Some time ago, an internet preacher (and martyr wannabe) named Dave Armstrong stepped into GD for a bit of self-righteous trollery.
It turns out that he has taken the thread, edited it, and put it on his webpage.
I seem to remember him cackling about how fun it would be to make us look stupid on his webpage. Ah, here we go:
Originally posted by Dave Armstrong ** I don’t consider a bunch of pompous buffoons sitting around smugly patting themselves on the back and hurling a constant stream of invective against a new participant – because they can’t muster up rational arguments and can’t handle the slightest critique of their views – “good discussion,” sorry.
But it makes for an awfully entertaining paper on my website, and will make a great point about dogmatic and arrogant attitudes, as well as commonly-used sophistry and obfuscatory tactics, so all is not lost.
Now let’s go see if you can rise above the herd mentality of your friends who hang around this place . . .
I must admit, this is a new low for trollery: not only does he troll us, but he sets up a public trophy room to brag about it.
I’m guessing the Reader’s not going to be all that thrilled with the apparent violation of their copyright on SDMB material, either. What a fuckwit.
Whoa! Hold the fucking boat! How come no one ever told me that this board is
I’m outraged! I’m horrified! I signed up for the intelligent conversation and the occasional TMI thread, but now I see it’s all a lie!
How do you people find these things? Seriously? Do just go trolling about the internet trying to find things that annoy you? Sheesh.
Anyway, this guy has obviously put far more effort into that website/rebuttal. He needs a good woman to take his mind off things. Or man. Whatever.
And yes, I’m sure the Reader will be very understanding and patient.
I got top billing in the “vs” group! Woohoo!
I can’t get too worked up about it, really. Unless he’s done some serious editing (I haven’t read through it to find out), he’s only showing the world (or the small portion of it that will actually read his page) what a maroon he really is.
March 28, 2003, 1:19am
I was looking for a cite for one of my arguments… and Google gave me back my original argument!
Hm. I suppose that’s one way.
I believe they’re also having problems with Rev Myeru who refuses to remove the copyrighted material, claiming fair use.
March 28, 2003, 2:12am
I think Mykeru is absolutely right in that he may reproduce excerpts of the material for the purpose of criticism so long as he attributes it to the original author.
Satire, criticism and parody are all fair uses under copyright law, and taking a look around shows lots of examples of such use. Quoting portions of a speech in a magazine in order to criticize it or the speaker, for example.