Remember my friend...?

Hallo everybody!

Quite some time ago, something terrible happened. I gave the details in this thread (#1), followed shortly by this other thread (#2), both threads in the Pit because I had to vent a lot of fury and sadness. I strongly suggest reading those threads before going on with the rest of this post.

Anyway… As of now, I am pleased to announce two things:

(1) - The lowlife responsible for all that has been finally tried and sentenced. The judge gave him the longest sentence available to him. Hopefully all of us who were affected by this, in one way or another, can leave this behind us.

(2) - My friend finally heard, from me, about the threads I opened here about what had happened. She wants to express her gratitude to a bunch of strangers who nonetheless cared about and empathized with her. She appreciates that a lot. She also said, and I quote: “this gives me comfort”.

Thanks, guys and gals, on her behalf.

Almost 2 years later, after going through really unpleasant things, she can hopefully leave all this shit behind and look forward to her future.

In other news, and related with what I said in the second thread linked above --she finally cut ties with her parents, who didn’t actually do anything to comfort or help her after what she went through. She found it hard and painful, but she understands that, in the long run, it may be better for her. She hasn’t slammed the door shut; maybe with time it will be possible that they come back together and things are patched.

In any case, I wanted to give an update about all that, and to transmit her thanks to this community.

Mine too, as well :slight_smile: Thanks!

I am positively delighted about the sentence.

I’m also delighted that your friend seems to be healing and willing to take whatever steps she needs to in order to care for herself.

Glad to hear it! :slight_smile:

I’m very glad that things are getting better for her, and that she’s trying to take care of herself. Thanks for updating us, and for being a good friend.

Hooray! I’m always glad when the justice system works FOR the victim instead of against it. Good for her for pressing charges. /fistpump

Yay, I’m so glad that the @#$(&^# is behind bars and your friend is moving forward. May all rape survivors have friends as supportive as you.

This is wonderful new! This is one of those stories you occasionally think about at random moments, hoping that the OP will come back with a followup. Thanks for the update!

Prison for the swine!

Seconded. I remembered your name because it really stood out that you cared about this woman. Really glad to hear she is starting to heal and move on with her life.

¡Hagamos la ola!

Or, if you prefer,

let’s all do a Mexican wave!

And here’s where I spoil it by admitting I copied my own code from Santo Rugger’s thread…

Glad she’s doing better :slight_smile:

What is the worst sentence a violent rapist can be given in Spain?

As opposed to one who’s nice, you mean?

15 years in jail. However, if other crimes are perpetrated during the rape, the sentence for those crimes is added to the sentence for rape. Monetary compensation to the victim may be added on top of it.

Disclaimer: IANA Spanish lawyer.

Missed the edit window :stuck_out_tongue: Just mentioning one thing: the sentence I mentioned above is for one count of rape. If several rapes are involved, each is sentenced separately, and the sentences are added.

Actually, the sentences are “added” but usually they’re served concurrently. This gets mentioned sometimes when reporters claim things like “Ignacio Armendáriz, alias ‘Urko’*, a member of the logistic aparatus of ETA, has been sentenced to 140 years in prison”: no, he’s received 7 counts of 20 years each, has to be in prison for 20 years unless he manages to get new counts of something else (these may start counting when the new sentence is received, or add to a preexisting sentence; for example things like “trying to escape” or assaulting someone while in jail) and with the possibility of getting out early for good conduct.

  • name and alias taken out of my left elbow

That’s great news, JoseB.

Please tell your friend that we are all still rooting for her.