Yes, I’ve seen those testers, that’s a good idea.
I don’t know about the microwave’s circuitry, but the toaster plugged into
the same outlet will not work. And, the seconds outlet about 6 feet away is
also cold.
I think the circuit is comprised only of these two outlets. There is a range
top, vent-a-hood, and a double oven on this kitchen wall. But they are not
affected. I know that when the double oven was installed a few years back,
it was segregated on a unique circuit to meet code. I’m sure it’s 220
I understand your breaker box diagnosis instructions, but this is a little
deeper than I plan to venture. I would have assumed that the electrician
would’ve done this, or will do it when he returns. I will say that the
breaker box is one of those FPE warning units(I think).
Yes, a 20A outlet on a 20A circuit would seem appropriate to me. But, I just
replaced the outlet with a 15A unit because that’s what I found originally
installed. The original 15A unit had been working without issue since my
1986 purchase, on the 1974 consrtruction.
Yes, I guess so. Whatever you say.
I think I’m gonna’ get the tester, as recommended by Rick, and do as much
diagnosis as I’m comfortable with. I’ll identify/verify all the outlets on
the circuit. And see what the tester lights indicate when probed. As I
mentioned earlier, right now, the outlets are cold. Wait, let me verify
that… Yes, the outlets are cold, the breaker is not visably popped, and
it’s been in this state for at least 8 hours. Neither outlet contains any
plugs currently. I’ll ask if the tester will register on an outlet in this
state. Or, must known power be present.
Then, based on those discoveries, I think I’ll reschedule the electrician to
check the box as I mentioned to Crafter. Personally, I’m more worried that
the circuit is interrupted somewhere between the box and the outlet(s), like
from a varmint or other damage.
I’ll post my facts as the saga progresses. Hopefully, I’ll gain a final
disposition which I will relay should anyone else have anything similar. I
found this site via a structured search that took me to another similar
question here.