My daughter lived with her son, wife and they had 3 children. Sons wife left him when she became pg with another mans baby. Daughter became blind last year and the wife says she isn’t competent enough to be sitting with the children. oldest is almost 12, then 9 and 6. wife wants someone there when son has to work. She has taken care of these kids since they were born. I would like to know what the law says about this kind of problem.
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So this is about your grandson, who is a single parent of 3 kids, one of whom is blind? If his wife left, then whose wife won’t sit with the kids? And where is your daughter in all of this? This is very confusing, due to your syntax and punctuation.
“Responsible blind people?” Ha! No such thing! Get outta here with that nonsense.
I think it’s:
Grandson + Granddaughter-in-law + 3 great-grandchildren
- Granddaughter-in-law due to affair
= Daughter takes care of great-grandchildren when Grandson is at work
Daughter is now blind and ex-granddaughter is objecting to daughter continuing to care for kids without help since she’s blind.
I want to know how old the OP is.
Oh, I think I get it. YOUR daughter became blind, right? And her daughter-in-law thinks that YOUR DAUGHTER shouldn’t take care of the kids. But is this the same “wife” who left your grandson? Did she come back, or is this a different wife?
What is the custody arrangement between the grandson and his wife (estranged wife? ex-wife?)? If she isn’t the custodial parent, why is she interfering?