Despite an unprecedented effort to destroy her, including joint military efforts from the world’s great nations and a special mission run by Jack Bauer, the Relationship Fairy managed to escape to safety. Now, six months later, she’s returned to wreak more havoc. And she’s starting with you.
Assume, if this is not true in your life now, that you are single. The day before the Relationship Fairy’s return, you’ve met someone new of your preferred sex for the first time. The person was visiting from out-of-town. It was a really pleasant meeting, you both got along well, you thought the person was really swell. You haven’t really reflected beyond that. And now, the Relationship Fairy tells you the following:
"You know that person you just met yesterday? If you allow it to happen, you are going to fall madly in love with him/her, and vice-versa. You two will find that you are very well matched and have wonderful chemistry. You’ll love each other, treat each other with tremendous respect, and the sex will be wonderful. You’ll find it hard to be apart.
Unfortunately, apart is exactly what you’re going to be. You two live thousands of miles away from one another. And circumstances in your life are such that you’ll be able to visit each other every couple of months or so for brief trips, but you won’t be able to live together or in proximity to one another for somewhere between eighteen months to two years from now, no matter how badly you want otherwise. And you will definitely pine for one another in the meanwhile because the love will be so strong."
With that, the Relationship Fairy flits away before you can even so much as flip her off. After letting out some choice expletives, you use your sources at the NSA and their advanced FutureScope technology, and you’re are able to verify these predictions, but without any more detail than you’ve already been given. So, now you know that you can have a wonderful connection with this person, but that it can’t be truly fulfilling for quite some time.
Do you avoid the situation to prevent the potential heartache? Or do you let it happen? Please explain why or why not.