Revenge of the Sith TV Ads are at

Two of them contain new footage and look pretty spectacular:

Teaser : This one is essentially a condensed version of the teaser trailer that was released a few months back. Nothing new there…

Dark Side Unleashed : Lots of new footage played to the Imperial March. The only dialog is an “Oh no!” from 3P0. It appears that the “floating on lava” rumor is finally put to rest by this trailer. Obi Wan and Anakin are seen fighting on a large steel floatation device that is speeding through a sea of lava. So it’s not exactly the “OMG they are force surfing on lava! How dumb!” moment that so many prequel haters are probably wishing it would be.

Tragedy : By far the best of the three. I’ve been watching this one on repeat for the last half hour. Basically it maps out most of Anakin’s fall. This is going to be incredible.

Somewhat less apprehensive … bordering on excited …

The first real glimpse at Anakin’s scenes with Padme: OH MY GOD.


I wish they were speechless. :frowning:

Now, I know I’ve been harping on this for awhile, but look at these trailers… Palpatine and Sidious definately have different frickin dentists! We know they’re the same dude, but wth? Do half of Palpatines teeth fall out whenever he puts on a hooded robe? Is he some sort of magical morphy dude? Did he steal a holographic resonator whatsit from the X-Men?

“You’re breaking my heart!”

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Man. And I thought I wrote cheesy dialogue.

What’s so cheesy about that?

I’m going to guess that the rot-mouth Palpatine scenes are later in the film.

One of the books (I forget which one) established that using dark side powers takes a physical toll on the body, which is why Sith are generally ugly sumbitches. Guess it effects dental hygene as well.

All of the scenes where Palpatine/Sidious looks the way we knew him in Return of the Jedi take place after his duel with Mace. There are three current conflicting theories on how this change comes about (spoilers):


  1. That has always been Palpatine’s true form, due to the Dark Side eating away at him physically over the span of his life. For the past however many years, he has been using most of his strength to maintaining a fake, youthful appearance. Once he’s got everyone turned against the Jedi, he no longer has to disguise himself so he let’s the real Palpatine out.

  2. Palpatine has been keeping his powers on the down low for decades, and now that the time has finally arrived to unleash his full fury and hate (on Mace), the amount of power he expends in his fight ravages him physically.

  3. It is hinted that in the duel with Mace, Palpatine shoots some of his Dark Side lightning at him. Mace is, however, second only to Yoda in power (maybe even more powerful) and deflects it right back, hitting Palpatine full on. This could resulting in the appearance we all know and love.[/spoiler]

Seeing as how the story takes place in an entirely fictional universe, I’ll be satisfied with any of those three possible explanations.

The ruler of the galaxy can’t afford a freakin dentist, and you’re satisfied!? :slight_smile:

Second time I get to link to this.

Not true. Obi-Wan also screams “You were the chosen one!” (this was also in the third one), and Chewbacca delivers a particularly poignant line, as well.

Unless the explanation is “The Empire killed off all people who do good crown work as a display of its power” I dunno if I’ll be able to buy their explanation.

I’m looking forward to this movie, but it still irks me that the Jedi are so damn dumb. “The one prophesied to bring balance to the force”…well gee dipshit, if all you “light” side jedi are in control, and have been for ages, perhaps bringing “balance” isn’t what you really want now, is it?..Idiots…all of them.

To be fair, we never learn what “balance” truly is, nor do the Jedi even understand the prophecy fully. I really don’t think it’s something as simple as having an equal playing field between Sith and Jedi. I think it might be more to the point that Anakin becomes the only Jedi in history to fall fully to the Dark Side and be redeemed in the end.

Because from what everyone in the movies say, once you start down the dark path, it dominates you forever. There is no return. In Episode 3, we know that Obi Wan is going to have to go after Anakin. Yoda doesn’t say “Obi Wan, go win back Anakin.” Obi Wan knows full well that he is going to have to destroy his former apprentice. The same is true with Luke. Yoda and Obi Wan aren’t training him to win back his father, they are training him to kill his father.

The fact that Anakin is able to experience both sides of the Force to their full potential while still coming back to the Light in the end is what I believe the “balance” is all about. IMHO.

Unfortunately, if that’s the case, then in the EU Luke pulls off the same feat. I know the Eu isn’t canon, but I doubt it would do something so in straight denial of such an important plot point, seeing as EU projects generally get green lights from Lucas on major issues.

Are those actual spoilers (i.e. info coming directly from Lucas et al.), or are those simply speculation that doesn’t spoil anything but some fanboy website author’s hopes and dreams?

As far as I see it, if it’s not in the movies it either didn’t happen or it just doesn’t matter. Lucas probably only green lights it because he doesn’t want over half the fanboy population in an uproar. It’s almost impossible to argue canon or even generic Star Wars plot points with some of those people.

“Palpatine can jump from body to body!”

“There is an invading race that is conveniently immune to the Force!”

“IG-88 became the core of the Second Death Star.”

Scary. No wonder we Star Wars fans are given a bad name.

Well, the Visual Dictionary and the Episode 3 novel are officially released, and word on the Episode 3 spoiler forum is that Theory #3 is the explanation.

What strikes me as odd is not that Palpatine can turn out to be all ugly, but that he can’t turn back. I doubt even getting fried by his own jags would make his eyes like they are, or his teeth so nutty, permanently. Again: what, no crown technology in this universe where you can heal broken bones wounds in a vat of goo?

Well clearly the eyes ARE a product of the Dark Side considering that Maul has them, and Anakin does also, at least during The Duel.