Reverse bump-and-grind? (maybe TMI, NSFW)

We all hear about how some perverts in crowded places “accidentally” bump into women and rub their privates on them. It is rather common and most women I know kinda expect that it happens from time to time and don’t get too upset when it does happen.

But I am a male and had a woman do it to me. :confused:

It was almost 10 years ago, when I was 19 or 20. I got in the train, but since all seats were taken, I took my favourite spot next to the door where I could lean against the wall, listening to my portable CD player (no mp3 players back then). After stopping at a few stations the train was quickly getting filled up. Then, this (rather ugly, short, overweight, early to mid 50s) woman comes and backs up to me until her ass is pressed against my groin. At first I didn’t think anything of it. I thought that maybe she hadn’t realized she’s resting her butt on me. But several seconds passed and she was still applying constant pressure on my groin. Note that while the train was full, it wasn’t the kind of full where you are pressed against each other like sardines in a can. There was still enough free space so there was no need for her to come into contact with me. Besides, since my back was pinned against the wall there was nowhere for me to go.

In the meantime my little friend had woken up and was now at full attention. But I still wasn’t 100% sure if she was doing it on purpose or she just hadn’t realized what was going on. So I decided to push my groin against her to see if she will react. I give a light push - no reaction. Push a little harder - still no reaction. Push again - nope, she stands her ground. I was now convinced she was doing it on purpose.

For the next 10-15 minutes I was with my back pinned against the wall and a woman applying constant pressure on my little friend who had become hard and was now poking her right between her buttcheeks. Sometime later my little friend lost interest and went back to sleep. That was when the woman started pushing a little harder against me, but maybe it was just my idea.

A couple minutes later she got off the train. Incidentally, this was my stop too, I got out but she rushed out quickly and then I lost her in the crowd.

I am as far from a hot stud as possible today and I absolutely definitely wasn’t a stud back then when I was 150lbs heavier with a 15 y.o. baby face and wearing dorky glasses and ill-fitting clothes. So, what was this woman thinking?

She probably was thinking that a chubby 15-year-old with dorky glasses probably wouldn’t kick up a fuss if a lonely and unattractive fifty-something got a little frottage in.

She was thinking, “free bone rub.” Why on earth would it be any more complicated than that?

This. You were probably singled out as a victim, not a hunk. Sorry.

Either that, or he was singled out as someone who might consider himself lucky rather than victimized.

No apology necessary.

Solidarity, bro, this is something that occasionally happened to me in college. For whatever reason, I had a few female acquaintances who were either entirely too in to me or had no concept of personal space, I’d be sitting at my desk typing or playing video games or something and then I’d feel something pressing against my arm/shoulder–usually boobs but on one memorable occasion a noticeably warm crotch.

Never followed through on it. Probably should have. =P