Rick and Morty -- the new animated show from Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland

Episode 6–very brief Inspector Gaget reference.

This episode had a “South Park” feel to it. Nearly everything about it would not have been out-of-place on that show.

I liked it, too. It’s okay with me if some episodes provide an over-the-top showcase for goofy absurdity.

Seems as though Keith David has had more work this season than in any other—good by me.

I do agree with NDP that this (with modifications) could have been a South Park episode; they would REALLY have loved skewering Congress.

I enjoyed this episode - it was a pretty good send-up of holiday-themed episodes, especially since it aired nowhere near the holiday it’s based on. The National Treasure parody was spot-on, and the notion that the Statue of Liberty containing a hibernating French mecha is only a C-story that the main characters don’t even think is worth spending any time worrying about is amusing. Any time Rick and the President are at each others’ throats is pretty good as well.

Also, I do believe this is the first time they’ve given “President Curtis” a name instead of just referring to him as “the president”.

I liked it. The whole send-up of ancient aliens/“the White House Knows!” lore was fun - and the Predator shout-out in there made me snicker.

Do you think Thanksgiving at Jerry’s parents house would have included Jacob?

This was the low point of the season for me. Unfunny all the way through.

I enjoyed it as a straight-up silly parody of “Holiday Special” episodes, with bonus points for not airing anywhere near the holiday it’s poking fun at.

Keith David is really good as The President, and I loved Rick’s threat to move to Canada and make them the most awesome country too.

I enjoyed this one. Kinda sorry to see Morty being Jerry’s Son again, but hey, we gotta get that plot movin’!

It was really gratifying to see everyone saying it felt like it could have been a South Park episode; I thought that when they started that song.

I agree that the MechaLiberty situation being relegated to “what-the-fuck-ever” status was hilarious.

This one had lots going on under the surface; IMO that’s when R&M is at its best.

Now that it is officially out I can say that 5x07 is my favorite of the season so far. But as far back as I can remember, I always wanted to pilot a Gotron ferret.

I wasn’t expecting a Voltron/Goodfellas parody, and I definitely wasn’t expecting Giant Space Incest Baby to make another appearance, but I loved it.

Best exchange:

Jerry: “Tell us what we’re doing!”
Rick: “I wanna host a cookout.”
Jerry: “That’s it? I was prepared to blow someone.”
Beth: “Jerry!”
Jerry: “I said ‘prepared’ and ‘someone’.”

Interesting; the Gotron episode was easily my least favourite of the season so far. I thought the Goodfellas/Scarface parody and the riffs on anime characters were pretty tired and not particularly clever.

Not only did I love Voltron as a kid, I still have my (Chinese bootleg) set of lions from the 1980s, and would probably buy this if I had insane money. So I’m biased.

I wish they’d get back to parodying sci fi stuff and quit parodying bullshit toy commercials from the 80s/90s. The drones turning into a voltron callout from the toxic episode was plenty. No need for a full episode on such an easy target.

Having said that, I liked the way the ferrets scampered around like ferrets do.

I did love Jerry’s immediate response to Summer saying she’d been keeping a secret
“OK, who’s on the Supreme Court and what state do we live in.”

I can get behind that. Though note that we did get a bit of an Ad Astra parody, arguably, with Summer being tasked by the government with ‘reaching’ the giant space incept baby.

Still, I liked this episode. (Guess I’ve been in a good mood this season; I’ve enjoyed them all.) It seems to me that the creative team put in a LOT of work on the writing during their COVID downtime. There have been a plethora of great throwaways, such as the “Voiceoverians” in this ep.

The most recent episode had some incredibly lame throwaways. Japanese cartoons look funny? Fat people look like they have tiny faces? An AIDS joke, for corn’s sake?

I, for one, loved the AIDS joke and the dig at Pacific Rim. Cure for cancer would also have worked but AIDS still has currency.

Also, the BoobWorld theme tune was great.

They’ve done several AIDS/space AIDS joke already. Time to turn it up a notch or 7.

Getting back to this episode (“Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion”)–additional ‘sci-fi rather than 80s toy franchise’ content might include the way the family rode/controlled the Giant Space Incest Baby. I have no screenshots, but I’d bet they drew it to match up with one or more Worm-riding shots from Lynch’s version of Dune.

I will admit to hoping for more direct parody of Neon Genesis Evangelion than we actually got in the episode. I haven’t seen that show for many years, but remember it as being fairly annoyingly self-serious.

Next one; “Rickternal Friendshine Of The Spotless Mort” is spoofing my favorite movie.