So back in November, when the allegations against Harvey Weinstein first surfaced, a number of people were very vocal, very public about stating that his money was tainted and should be returned. One of those people was RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, quoted above.
To keep a gambling theme going for Mr. Wynn I’m gonna bet on: Not A Fucking Dime Is Returned. (But many dimes will be spent on settlements, of course.)
And THANKS for the campaign issue, Mr. Wynn. Especially if the RNC never returns money. Wynn gave to the RNC and a bunch of candidates all of whom will now be required to either give back or waste time defending the decision not to give back.
Whether it’s Wynn or Weinstein I don’t get the whole “give the money back” thing. All you’re doing there is making the scumbag richer again. Take his money and donate it to an appropriate cause, if that’s legal. In this kind of case I’d like to see a fund set up that would buy women out of their NDAs.
Vegas casino magnate turns out to be a sleaze. World unsurprised. But still, jeez, come on, it’s not like there’s a shortage of actual professionals available!
E-DUB, I believe campaign financing law requires returning the money as first choice, so that the recipient cannot use it to gain a PR benefit, as they would by creating a fund to compensate victims.
OK, then I’d love to hear them say: “We’d give his money back, but we’ve already spent it. All we can do is give him money donated by other people who sure didn’t expect we’d do that with it, so we won’t.”
A distinction without a difference. Their money can be considered what paid for the projects that Wynn’s money went to. It’s all just a bank balance, and it doesn’t matter what specific thing the money was spent on as long as the amount he donated is returned.
This won’t be as much of a slam-dunk issue as you imagine. Frankly, this is just more evidence of the whole concept of sexual assault/reporting sexual assault remaining politicized.
In short: Even if they don’t deny everything outright as Fake News, they won’t defend the decision to not give the money back. They’ll attack the whole concept of using sexual assault claims tactically, as a political tool, and once they’ve defined that as a fundamental premise, they can use it to beat on everyone who comes forwards with such claims against people the Republicans want to protect.
It’s DARVO: Deny the allegations, Attack the accuser, and Reverse Victim and Offender, which means construct a version of events where the offender is the victim and vice-versa. They probably can’t Deny any more, but they can Attack the accusers and make them seem like weapons of the DNC, which neatly turns them into Offenders and the RNC into the Victim in a political dispute which it is obvious the Liberals can’t win honestly.
(And there are issues with this kind of crime being politicized, as regards whose accusations get believed and differing standards of evidence for the media to run with a story, so that’s another important problem we can’t address in public as long as the RNC insists that all accusations of GOPpers are political.)
This goes back decades. They can’t claim “politicalization” on these allegations. Everybody in Vegas knew about Wynn.
Wynn stock dropped 10% Friday, and it’s likely to crater even more this week. This is a major disaster for Las Vegas, and an on-going headache for Republicans everywhere, but especially out west.
BTW neither party really HAS to forego the Weinstein/Wynn money, if the donations themselves were done according to the law. It is a public relations/public ethics move. Neither man is being accused of campaign financing fraud AFAIK.
See, the thing is that a gaming license is a privilege, not a right. And privileges can be revoked. And an employer who preyed on his employees would be a good case for revocation of his license.
Ultimately, I think this could force him out of Wynn Resorts, Inc., which would be an astounding turn of events.
To be deemed inimical to the public health, safety, morals, good order and general welfare of discrediting of Nevada and its gambling industry… danggit that IS being a f***up!