Rocky VI? You have got to be kidding me

According to this article, he wll be getting into the ring, not just managing or something. Stallone is 59!

Great Og it has come to this.

I’m thinking it might be pretty good, actually.

Stallone’s a smart guy, and he’s writing the script; I’m cautiously optimistic about this one.

I don’t have high expectations for this one, but it’s just possible that Sly will surprise us. The plot isn’t that much more farfetched than George Foreman’s return was. I’m hoping that this one will end with Rocky getting the stuffing kicked out of him, perhaps even suffering a fatal injury in the ring.

I say this not out of any hatred for Sylvester Stallone, but because I think it would make a fitting end to the franchise, which began, as you remember,

with Rocky losing the fight.

Spoiler just in case there’s anyone left who hasn’t seen the Best Picture Winner of 1977.

Well, it is about 14 years more farfetched, as Foreman was 45 when he won the championship again, and Stallone is 59! 59 I say!

What boxing commission would let a 59 year old dude in the ring? Wait, strike that question. Heh.

Could you ask a mod to change the thread title to Stallone Cuts Deal for a Major Reel?


I think I commented in a previous Rocky VI thread that Sly is getting pretty close to the age that Burgess Meredith was when Rocky was made.

I had convinced myself that the whole thread was simply the result of indulging in a nice welsh rarebit at midnight, though.


Substitute “acting career” for “lives” and you’ll have the rationale behind this movie.

This is so fucking lame.

I’m sorry to see this. Stallone captured lightning in a bottle with the first movie. He says in an interview that he captured the very peak of a man’s life, where his loves and his goals and dreams all came together in one moment, the moment of that freeze-frame at the end.

Since then, he’s evidently been trying to capture it again, milking both his franchises until he can find that sweet Best Picture moment again. And heaven help us, he’s at it again.


I’m not sure if Rocky is allowed to be killed. Rocky V was supposed to be about the death of Rocky, but then some top level executives decided that Rocky was too much of an All American Hero at that point to kill off. You don’t kill James Bond, you don’t kill Indianna Jones, and you sure as hell don’t kill Rocky. And so they rewrote Rocky V, making it pointless and uneccesary.

So there’s that…but maybe enough time has passed, and America’s love for the Italian Stallion have subsided enough for him to be killed now

Well, heck, if we’re going the Variety route, why not Sly Spry for Part Vee-Eye?

I like that, but I was going for an Animaniacs homage.

And I’m working on a quiz for a radio show with Variety headlines for famous historical events, but it’s turning out a lot harder than I thought.

Althought Stallone is 59, that doesn’t mean Rocky is. I saw a recent pic of him where he could pass for middle 40s or so, akin to Foreman’s comeback. Whether that illusion can be maintained beyond a still picture remains to be seen of course.

Not sure I like the fact that Adrian is dead.

The **only **way I could see this working is to have Rocky facing the end of his game, with his life in a complete downward spiral. He’s got no money left, isn’t recognized in the public (save for hard core boxing enthusiasts) and trying to come to grips with that.

I’d like to see *this *Rocky attempt a career comeback, go through the training, build up they hype, and get in the ring again only to have the ever-loving snot beaten out of him. He then fades the rest of the way into the obscurity from whence he came, and eventually dies peniless and alone.

Buuuut, he’ll probably win the world title. :frowning:

I’m going to make a prediction, and I’m not going to spoiler box it because it’s just my guess. But I feel very confident that Rocky will lose the fight in this movie, just like he did in the original movie. His victory will be something else, perhaps going the distance like in the 1st flick, or more likely something else. Gaining the respect of his son, coming to terms with Adrian’s death, forgiving himself for giving Mr. T a career, whatever. But he’ll have a victory, and it won’t be winning the fight.

If the son turns out to be an aspiring boxer, with the hint of more sequels, I’m so outta there.

I believe one late night pundit predicted Stallone would fight Wilford Brimley.

Actually, I hate Stallone for a lot of personal reasons - he once flipped me the bird and told me to fuckoff, and I know about the crappy way he and his brother Frank deal with people in the film industry.

However, I have to admit the first Rocky was pretty good. He should have stopped there.

But is it really a surprise that he is doing Rocky XXII? I mean, it is not like casting agents are beating down his door to do anything else.

I would not go see the film if you paid me, drove me there with a limo and paid for the popcorn and large drink. I bet Roger Ebert is already dreading the day he has to sit through it to review it.

Clearly, Sylvester Stallone needs cocaine money.

That shit ain’t cheap, you know.

There is only one possible way I could forgive this movie. Before making his boxing comeback, does Rocky by any chance own a deli?

The rye or the kaiser?

An aging, *widowed * Rocky???

Does this mean that Talia Shire is too busy to make this movie?