Rodents up the butt

I know Cecil responded to the stories of people putting gerbils or mice or some type of rodents up their ass for pleasure and I’m trying to find it. Anyone have the url handy, or can anyone tell me the term used to describe this activity or some other word I might use to search the archive?

Thanks in advance.

Felching. Cecil covers it most completely. There is a thread running somewhere on this board that will teach you everthing you need to know.

I’m pretty sure that feltching is something different (which I won’t elaborate on right now because I just ate) but, I think you are correct that the term feltching did indeed appear in Cecil’s column.
I’m gonna try a search.

look here:

(searching isn’t really that difficult)

Keyword “gerbil” only returned three hits, one of which was the one you were looking for. Keywords “rodent” and “butt” together only returned two hits, also including that link. It’s not that hard.

OK, so I was lazy. I wasn’t exactly sure which rodents were the ones in question, and it didn’t occur to me to search for “rodents”. Plus, I was on my parents computer (very, very slow internet connection) plus in hurry to go eat dinner or something. If I was at work I would surely have taken the time to search myself.

However, I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that my question isn’t yet fully and completely answered (happy, because I wouldn’t want to waste a perfectly good thread due to reasons mentioned above thus wasting your time).

So here it is (and I’m sure this must have been tackled before so I apologize in advance if this is also easily searchable and I’m wasting anyone’s time, but… er… well, I can’t think of a but. OK, enough stupid disclaimers, I’m starting to annoy myself now):

My Dad played for me a sound file of a radio DJ reading an article (supposedly appearing in the LA times) of 2 homosexual males, playing with gerbils. When one guy couldn’t get the gerbil out, the other lit a match to attract the gerbil, but the fire caught a pocket of would-be farted gas, yada yada yada… you all know the story. I wanted to show to my dad that I was skeptical because Cecil of course could not confirm any cases of gerbil stuffing, but Cecil did not address this LA Times article in particular in the column above.
Does anyone have any info for me on a particular LA times article describing said incident? Specifically, does the article exist? and am I spelling “article” correctly because, for some strange reason, it isn’t looking right today?


for any and all of your Urban legend questions you may have that haven’t been answered by Cecil.

Briefly, however, the answer to your question is no, no one has ever been reported by a reliable source as having “gerbiled.” There is no medical records of burnt anuses from igniting fart gas in an attempt to remove a gerbil, Richard Gere has never modified a habitrail to insert gerbils into his asshole, and there are no proctologists or emergency room doctors on record anywhere that have had to remove a gerbil, or other suitibly sized rodent, from someones rectum.

Felching is a term sometimes incorrectly ascribed to gerbilling. Felching is more properly ascribed to a practice similar to “snowballing,” although it occurs after anal sex rather than oral sex.

Can it be proven that no one has ever put a small creature up their anus for the purpose of sexual gratification; probably not, but neither is there any real proof that it HAS ever occured, and as with anything else, the burdon of proof lies with the person making the positive assertion, not the negative. So in short, there is no reliable record of anyone having gerbilled.

Felching is unlikely to cause any medical cases to develop, and thus would never show up in any peer reviewed journals, but I would not doubt if there are some porn videos out there with it in it. I have seen stranger stuff.

Also, ALWAYS hold as highly supect anything read on the air by DJs as “bizzare but true.” It’s usually “bizzare and totally made up.” Though many morning show DJs are functional retards, and can be excused for being to stupid to actually do any research on the stuff they report.

And check snopes…
Here is your answer. They even have a link to the sound file your dad played for you.

Does your dad believe it?

Why are so many people willing to believe this nonsense?


OK I admit it. It was me. Only they got the facts wrong. It was actually a family of squirrels that I put up my ass.

Didn’t feel as nice as you might think.

Well, why not? I mean, I’m generally a skeptic, but I knew it to be false only because I had read Cecil’s column in the past. Honestly, I believed that there were indeed people who took part in gerbil stuffing previously (though I never connected the activity with homosexuals or Richard Gere). Hey, stranger things have proven true.

You hear a sound file of a DJ claiming to read an article from the LA times, you have no reason really to doubt it, so you believe it.

BTW, thanks. I forgot all about