
whats the most romantic thing you have ever recieved from someone? and was it for a holiday or just because?

I suppose we’re all very lonely people, considering the timespan this thread is already open…

And I really couldn’t give a decent answer to the OP, either… Well, my girlfriend did bring back an little ritual statue from Singapore. It’s some sort of man, squating down, with a HUGE ERECT PENIS. Sorry 'bout the coffee on your screens now :wink:
Signifies fertility, or something.

But that’s really the best I can think of. Sad, ain’t it ?


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

I had a customer when I was dancing who worked at a 5 star restaurant (the Tack Room in Tucson, AZ) and he would bring me these really amazing desserts all the time at work… and yes I did date him, before you ask. But it wasn’t because of the desserts. It was because he was a really sweet guy. Speaking of which, I will probably get to visit him next month! I’ll be in Tucson for a couple of weeks and I can go to visiting day at the prison :smiley:

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

No doubt, OpalCat, he’s in for dessert-napping…

Yer pal,

LOL actually he’s in for drug possession :frowning: He’s 41 and he’s spent over 18 years in prison. When I met him he was out, obviously… and he was out for about 5 years… of which I dated him for 4. He does kinda look like a thug, in a way… 6’7", long hair, over 35 tattoos, and always carries a big knife on his belt… but he is a big sweet teddy bear kinda guy… He brought me flowers a lot at work, he made me jewelry, brought me desserts… it was pretty romantic. He’d also write me long letters and bring them to me… and I’d talk to him on the phone every morning while I took my bath.

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

Intentional mixing of Opal’s posts:

Mental picture…“Hi, I’m Spike and I’ll be your waiter this evening…”

Sounds like quite a catch, if you can get past the incarceration thing…

He wasn’t a waiter :slight_smile: He worked in the kitchen. They only hire snooty, clean cut college kids for the wait jobs. But the kitchen staff all looked like bikers, and apparently the way to get your requested days off was to bribe the head chef with a fat one.

I already have a catch, actually… 8 years and counting… My husband finally had to put his foot down about lending him money though… he just never paid it back. He lived with us for a while, though, and boy did we eat well! Plus he was handy for getting stuff off high shelves :slight_smile:

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

Romance is almost dead, unfortunately. Who dates anymore? Who sends flowers? Not many young single people.