Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away

Yes, of course, that makes sense. I am just infected with the doom and gloom in this particular moment.

No vaccine for that yet. :cry:

For McConnell, it would make sense to make the selection and hearing process drag on through Election Day, but hold the confirmation vote right after Election Day. That way, the suspense of the hearings takes all the attention away from Covid and the recession, etc. for the duration of the remainder of the election race.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit

Yeah, we’re completely fucked now.

At the risk of sounding unpopular, fuck her. People tried to get her to retire when Obama was president and the democrats controlled the senate. She refused.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for liberals who have been saying the 81-year-old should step down while Democratic President Barack Obama is in office so he can appoint her successor: Who are you going to get who will be better than me?

Referring to the political polarization in Washington and the unlikelihood that another liberal in her mold could be confirmed by the Senate, Ginsburg, the senior liberal on the nine-member bench, asked rhetorically, “So tell me who the president could have nominated this spring that you would rather see on the court than me?”

She just set back leftist causes by 30 years because her ego wanted an extra 6 years on the court and she didn’t think there was anyone in a nation of 300 million people as good as her.

Fuck her.

SCOTUS was already pretty much dead as a trusted, non partisan institution. Now it’s totally dead, barring a miraculous attack of decency by Mitch McConnell.

Or if Mitch died

I’ve been somewhat expecting this considering her age and health issues this past year. Damn shame and damn shitty timing ( thanks 2020! ), but not at all shocking.

As noted if the McConnell is smart they’ll drag this out until post-election so they have a talking point to drive some wavering conservatives to the polls. Though her replacement was always going to be an issue, the immediacy of it very much works in the GOP’s favor psychologically.

But yep, this sucks. Best that can hoped for is probably a rock-ribbed conservative who is nonetheless concerned for posterity and collegiality like Roberts.


Yeah that was pretty baffling by her. I bet Clarence Thomas is thinking a decision right now.

That’s short term thinking. Once the court is packed it will happen repeatedly.

Even if the democrats abolish the filibuster and pass meaningful legislation, Trump and McConnell will appoint another hack like Kavanaugh who will just overturn it no matter what it is.

well shit

This. Democrats need to sweep on election day, then expand the SCOTUS to 15 members. Hell, throw in a nomination for one of the Obamas, just to really piss off the right.

So what? How would that be worse? It’s already as bad as it possibly could be, from the perspective of progressives.

Excuse me? If the Democrats abolish the filibuster and pass meaningful legislation, it will be because they won, McConnell will be nothing and Trump will be in prison.

Thinking about this, I think the smart move for Trump is to announce that he will not name a nominee until after the election. He needs a game changer, and if Republicans think that a Supreme Court seat is on the ballot they will turn out like they never have before.

Unkind, considering she just passed away and her vastly accomplished life. She didn’t owe anybody anything.

God damn it. This is news I never wanted to hear. RIP Justice Ginsberg. You made a difference.

I hadn’t thought of that, it’s a good way of putting it. A good slogan for the campaign.