S.O.B.! Want some?

It would have been S.O.S., but we’re having biscuits instead of toast. :wink:

Half a stick of salted butter, half a cup (maybe less) of flour. Make a roux, toasting it blonde. Stir in the milk. Add a bunch of freshly-ground pepper, a dash of cayenne (my jar of cayenne has big shaker holes), and a pinch of salt. Quarter half a jar of dried beef and stir it in. Heat and stir until thickened. Serve over biscuits. (Or toast.)

I’m making more than we’ll eat today. Unless any of you drop by, I’ll put the leftovers in a zip-top bag and freeze it for another day. (Who needs Souffer’s :smiley: )

Mmm. While we’re talking about honey…

My mother was once the head of the SOB Society, nominated by her boss.

(She was the property manager for a commercial real estate group, including two shopping malls. One day, customers reported a huge beehive growing in the decorative landscaping. The VP wanted to send an exterminator; my mother called an apiarist, who came and removed the colony to everyone’s benefit. A sign appeared on the wall behind my mother’s desk: “Save Our Bees Society.” Yes, I still have the sign.)

Honey? :confused:

Humor? :smiley:

OP: I’ll be right over, I LOVE that stuff. Being a Philly guy, it’s hard to avoid around here. My mom liked it, and that’s how I was introduced to it, it was a Sunday breakfast staple growing up. We used to be able to buy fresh-sliced chipped beef at some delis, but I guess not many folks were buying it, so it disappeared, I have to get it in the jars or cello packages(the jars are becoming difficult to find also) What can I bring? :slight_smile:

Off topic, sacrilege division: Ever had it made with ground beef instead of the air-dried stuff. MMMmmmm MMMMmmmm, good eats.

That’s the Marine Corps recipe. The Army still uses chipped beef, IIRC.

I only see it in the jars. The only thing close I see that comes in a plastic packet is Buddig sliced beef. Close, but not the same. In searching for an image, I see that people do use it for S.O.S. I only use it for sandwiches. Speaking of sandwiches, there’s a little scrambled egg leftover from breakfast. That’ll end up between two slices of toast.

I’m roasting a chicken today, so I’ll make chicken gravy and we’ll have it over the leftover biscuits.