Saddam Birthday Party!

65 today in 2002.

66 today in 2003.

66 today.

Say anything. Don’t hold back.

67 today.

I don’t get it. The link for today’s story says he is 67…

I’m going golfing. I’ll try to shoot a 67 in Saddam’s honor.

Since I’m only playing nine holes, a 67 is highly likely. :wink:

“HBD, Saddam! Wish you were here! We’ve got the spanking machine all lined up!”

I think **Iskander ** was pointing out the difference in how he celebrated his birthdays the last two years with this year - and typo’d the last link. :wink: I could be wrong though.

Oh, well a little detail would have helped.


Poor guy. 67 years old and no giant pink birthday cake, no executions … sigh What is the world coming to?

So I messed up. I said later he’s 67, OK? This is a Birthday Party, OK? Torture chamber is next door. Grab another beer.


You’re a cockwaffle.

Betcha Saddam’s spending the day thinking, “Damn, maybe I should have just signed over those oil rights to Bush…”

I just burped.

[Marilyn Monroe voice]

Happy. Biiirthday. Toooo. You…

Haaaappy. Birthdaaaaay. Tooooo. Yooooouuu.

Haaaappy. Birth. Daaaayyy. Mass Murdering Piece of Shit.

Haaaappy Birth. Daaayyyyy. to yoooouu.

[Marilyn Monroe voice]

Indeed. Silly Saddam.

Mrs. Bushes bush is bushy!

Well soon in July 6 we can commemorate another creep’s birthday too

Happy B-day Saddam you old fart!
How is your *gay lover- Satan?

*South Park cartoon reference

Where the hell is he anyway. Iraq? America? Cuba?

Na it doesn’t matter i wasn’t going to send a card anyway.

I’m hoping that is our friend Bush’s B-day, I bought the card already.

Dick Cheney’s secret underground bunker, no doubt.

Amazing. You can’t even start a thread dissing Saddam fucking Hussein on this board without it turning into a Bush bashing party.

Okay, how do i explain the laughter to the people looking over the cubicle wall? Great one, Hamlet!