Santorum - Boston liberalism cause of priest scandal.

My favorite senator is at it again. Just as I get over the fact that I work because I am greedy and don’t care about my child and that home schooling her is my only option, he goes on the attack at Boston. How does he keep making these connections? Why does he keep getting elected? Where is my copy of the Liberal Manifesto? I am no great fan of Casey, but he has to get elected over this blow-hard next year.

This is quite possibly the dumbest thing that asshole has ever said.

This guy really, really, REALLY needs to be involved in some kind of perverse sex scandal. And not just a run-of-the-mill “had an affair” or “is a closeted homosexual” scandal–something really fowl, like photographed in adult-baby getup with a soiled diaper while in bed with a dead fursuit-wearing hooker and a traumatized goose tied to the bedposts.

There were priest scandals of this nature before there even WAS a Boston.

Frank is one cool dude. Santorum is truly a jerk.

Is there some way I can get in contact with Prick Sanitorium? I’d sure love to give him a piece of my mind.

Hey! Don’t let reality get in the way of the Great Santorum’s war against liberalism. He’s recently been called on the fact his new book, “It Takes a Family” is a rebutal to Hillary’s “It Takes a Village” but rebuts things which were never stated by Hillary.

I’d love a juicy sex scandal as well, but I fear as kinky as he probably gets is masturbating to old Doris Day movies.

HA! That would be scandalous.

Oy. That he has the power to make law ought to scare the Bejeebus out of every living soul.

I’m from PA and trust me, it scares the hell outta me.

I’ll get right on that.

(Let’s see . . . I’ll need a cat o’ nine tails, a Baby Snooks outfit, a jar of Lawry’s Seasoned Salt, and an elderly Pekingese . . . )

I think he’s right, to a point.

The problem is that the moral relativism and sexual license that he rightly rebukes aren’t a problem of the city of Boston. Besides, how can a city be condemned for what are moral failings that we, as individuals, commit?

Rather, these were failings of certain clergy of his, and my, own church.

So his remarks are misdirected, in my opinion.

What is this “moral relativism and sexual license” of which you speak that proclaims it is OK to molest children and cover it up?

I trust this is within the rules, as Sen. Santorum is an extremely public figure. This is the U.S. Senate web site, where you may find Senator’s email addresses.

It’s on page 84 of “What Liberals Believe, Twenty-Third Edition” by Focus on the Family Press.

I didn’t say, nor even imply, that liberals believed this. I do think some priests practiced this, however.

Do you think I’m mistaken here?

That’s nearly as bad as the woman who called to my door and said that priests abused kids because I didn’t pray hard enough.

Oh, please run this guy in 2008 Republicans. Please. Let him shoot him mouth off from sea to shining sea. If he loses there’s hope for America. If he wins book yourself tickets to the UK; there’s nothing left for us here.

Sorry, I must update my edition. Carry on.

Santorum clearly makes that link, and I’m calling bullshit. Because someone believes it is ok they molest a child has NO connection to liberalism, Boston, or lack of a belief that all homos are evil (I believe this is the sexual license you are hinting at, but I could be mistaken). It is that individual’s own sickness

Thank you. I will compose a venomous e-mail later today. I’ll just have to restrain myself and not use phrases like “Dumb as a bag of spatulas.”

[Peter Griffin]

If she says Mrs. Dash I’m gonna lose it…


-Joe, [/Joe]