Sarah Palin: just shut the fuck up, already.

Alas, I can often parse out her meaning, but that’s because I make my living proofreading transcripts of deposition testimony and regularly have to untangle meaning from witnesses and lawyers who can’t offer unmangled syntax and word choice to save their pathetic lives.

And people wonder why I drink.

I had Governor Palin in my sights. I had the Doonesbury reference. There was no danger, so I took it.

Palin has a new commercial out in Missouri supporting Sarah Steelman* for Senate.**
Some choice phrases:

“Steelman is a conservative maverick”

“Sarah is an economist who defends our tax dollars…like a momma grizzly defends her cubs”

  • Apparently pronounced “Stillmen” according to Palin
    **Exact amount of contribution to the Sarah Palin fund unknown as of this posting.

It’s worthwhile to note that some spokesperson down there said something along the lines of “When Sarah speaks, it rings right with Missourians.” I suggest the death panels start with Missouri.

Hey, you guys birthed her. You deal with this mess.

And yet, everytime she speaks, people - the OP included - listen!

Simply ignore her and she will go away. Why is this so hard to understand?

We’ll show leniency for our loyal Missourian Doper friends.

Although I don’t live in Alaska any longer, I do read the online Anchorage paper to see how things are going up there. It’s impossible to avoid her nonsense, even though the majority of Alaskans hate the bitch. I guess I could just not click on the articles, but they’re so much fun to read, along with the comments that follow.

You are very fortunate to have lived in two very beautiful places. Don’t let the gibberish of one well-intended (in her mind) but idiotic person steal your peace. I could see Sarah fading away after this election cycle. She has lost the shock value.

Is that because of her post governor career?

Every time she speaks, hilarity ensues.

Not hard to understand at all. The fact that she was selected to be a 72 year old heartbeat from the presidency of the United States should never go away.

The Subject of this is completely wrong, it should be “News: Stop Giving Fucking Sarah Palin Any Airtime”

Sarah Palin’s the EF Hutton of the modern era.

Chefguy can answer better, but the impression I got was that they were already turning on her while she was in office and her post-office career has only intensified it. The Anchorage Daily News had editorials against her being McCain’s VP pick. She pissed off Ketchikan early on by first supporting the Gravina Island Bridge (aka the Bridge to Nowhere) as part of her campaign for governor only to kill the project a year into her governorship and then claim that she opposed it all along in 2008. She pushed for ethics reform (actually the first major piece of legislation she signed was an ethics reform bill) and claimed she was determined to clean up Alaska politics while at the same time abusing the shit out of her office, albeit in ways that didn’t technically break any laws.

It is fascinating that she was so highly rated in 2007 though, peaking at an absolutely incredible 93% approval rating. She dropped down to 68% within a year and was at 54% and falling when she resigned. Talk about an extreme case of buyer’s remorse.

Fuck that-anyone who believes that if those who think she’s bullgoose loony just ignore her she’ll go away is an idiot of the highest order. Giving that whackbitch and her followers an unopposed forum sends a message to the timider whackadoodles that it’s safe to come out and support her. Your “plan” only works if those who currently support her also ignore her.

I was going to say something very much like this. “Dick Cheney never backfires” is like two jokes in one. At least one of them has to be on purpose.

Alternatively, you could just stop listening to her. Because, you know, she ain’t gonna shut up.

I thought that Tom Chapin said it well.

She deserted her office and the people who put her there to chase the money. End of story. Few people care if she gets rich, but walking out on her responsibility really pissed everybody off. It’s one thing when you answer the call from a potential president, and quite another when you just say “fuck you” to your constituency.

Truer words were never spoken.