Sauron vs the Sith


Or, any of the combinations.

Gandalf vs the Jedi Council or a single Jedi

Maiar vs a Death Star

Luke vs Fëanor

You name it! Who wins?

Better than Luke vs Fëanor would be Anakin vs Fëanor. There are more parallels there than in the former pairing.

Good call. jay! Luke would be sorely overmatched, methinks. But Anni… yes…, yes…

Jar Jar: “Rinwraiths out dere! Balrogs in here! Orcs a followin us and weesuh out of lembas! Whensah I suppose to worry!?”

Jar-Jar vs. Gollum.

I just like it because it’s how not to and how to make a CGI character.

Boromir: “They’ve got a droiddeka…”

Sauron takes out the Sith - when he’s in his bodily form WITH his ring.

Gandalf beats a Jedi; cause if Anakin can, Gandalf surely can. Heck, Aragorn probably can. He did a good job with the Wraiths at Weathertop (tho they did have their minds on the ring & retreated once they’d stabbed Frodo with the poison knife).
I’d go for a Gollum / Yoda face off at a forensics contest. Some strange talking be there, my precious.

“These are not the Hobbits you are looking for.”

Of course Sauron would win if pitted against Darth Vader. Darth vader betrays the Dark Side whereas Sauron is the elemental, as it were, embodiment of darkness. So, of course, Sauron is stronger in the Dark Side. (In interest of full disclosure, despite liking Darth Vader, I am more biased in favor of the Dark Lord Sauron.)

In Luke versus Frodo, Luke would win because Frodo has already been corrupted by the Ring. Luke is stronger in the Light Side.

Melkor/Morgoth versus Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine - now that would be an interesting battle! But who would win?

How about Eru Iluvatar versus, um, Yoda and Luke?


Saurman vs. Count Dooku

Hmm…doesn’t seem fair, but Saurman has powers equalvalent to “Force Persuade”, but the Count has a wicked lightsaber. Make it…

Saurman and his 10,000 Uruk Hai vs Count Dooku.

That looks better.

Darn. Why am I imagining Aragorn with a silver and white lightsaber on top of Helm’s Deep?

Man, is Christopher Lee ever going to feel sore tomorrow! [P.S. It’s Saruman.]

Ouch. At least I was consistent and didn’t call him Aruman on the next paragraph! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No contest. Morgoth is one of the Valar – he’s a god, even compared to Sauron (who is merely a Maia).

And Eru is God-with-a-capital-G. Of course, Yoda and Luke wouldn’t want to fight him anyway, he’s the Light Side of the Force.

Shelob vs the Sarlacc?

Ungoliant vs. Jabba?

The Ents vs. the Ewoks.
Slimy Imperial officer: “Master Treebeard, as you can see, my people use mainly plastics and metal, and are content to stay in a small clearing in the forest…the Ewoks, as you can see, carve their villages into the sides of living trees, burn lots of wood, and run rampant through your woods hunting for game. Which of us, I ask you, is a greater threat to your forest?”

Or Aurra Sing vs. Tom Bombadil. An epic, awe-inspiring battle of wits and will that would never see a second of screen time. :smiley:

[sub]I’m sorry… I have to…[/sub]

“You don’t just fly a dozen small fighters into the Deathstar…”
“Death. Star.”
“It’s Death, space, Star.”
“You don’t just fly a dozen small fighters into the Death Star.”
“Yes you do. You totally do.”


The House of Durin vs. a droid army? My money’s on the dwarves.

If the battle takes place in a galaxy far, far away, we’re outside Arda and have to discount the powers of any being tied to the circles of the world. That pretty much means that ewoks and gunguns beat elves, maiar and valar. Are dwarves bound to Arda? Dunno, but men aren’t, so Turin or Beren could smush 'em, and Iluvatar has no prob.

[sub]dwarves v. droid army–heh[/sub]

Okay…what is this from? it sounds familar.

Well, its not like they have some giant bird that can just fly it’s way into the Death Star . . .