Save your relationship before it goes in the toilet

Ours is very nearly underneath the toilet’s tank, for some unknown reason. My fiancee likes to leave the stuff on the edge of the bathtub (which is about ten inches away from the edge of the toilet in our tiny, tiny bathroom area). It didn’t occur to me to mention it earlier, but we’ve actually devolved into having two separate rolls – mine on the back, hers on the tub.

Oh, we’re going to convert you yet, my friend. Analogies, by their very spelling, are entirely appropriate here and will be used.

The darn thing goes on the way it came out of the linen closet and will stay that particular way until the next roll is needed. I guess my husband doesn’t care either as it is never turned around from the side it was originally placed. However, I think we are too busy trying to solve the dishes rinsed or unrinsed when being put in the dishwasher dilemma to worry about TP.

It doesn’t stay on the back of the toilet - that’s just where it is stored. When I need to wipe, the roll is in my “non-wiping” hand, which explains why attaching it to a roll is so frustrating.

In a million years I never thought I’d be defending this procedure! And now, I’m fighting the temptation to find out which hand people use to wipe (I ask because I use my non-dominant hand, unlike virtually every other activity in my left-handed life). And, before you get snarky, I thoroughly wash both hands after completing the task.

Sauron’s mommy likes it behind!!!
HA ! HA!

All of our toilet paper hangie thingies are broken in this house. The TP goes on the sink counter. We must be tree hugging liberals or something.

Captain Kirk or Captain Picard - the closest we’ve come to having a big fight over nothing. Welcome to marriage in Geekland. :smiley:

In my experience, trying to thoroughly wash one is eminently more difficult.

I had a mental list of those who would go there first. You weren’t on there, Shirley. I can’t decide if I’m saddened or heartened to see your baser side come forth.

SpouseO himself is the one that converted me to closing the lid of the toilet every time (he’s civilized - he always puts the seat down. And now he’s conditioned me to put the lid down as well. We now always notice when our other family members come to visit - the lid’s always up.)

As for how the TP hangs, I don’t really care. I’ll hang it one way this time, the other next time, all willy-nilly. And since the cat leaves it alone anyway, I doubt I’ll start caring anytime soon.

Get a grip, your life is in CHAOS!!!

The person who refills it decides. I, however, refuse to participate and simply leave the roll on top the toilet tank or the sink.

decides to throw some kerosene on the fire

So…you’re saying one shouldn’t wear shoes in the house? Or should, so they aren’t laying around? I’m confused. Discuss.


Anybody who doesn’t have a preference automatically counts as a vote for behind the roll! I’ve called it!

I’m with Sauron. The roll should go under. This has the added benefit of making it harder for the cats to pull off all the paper.

While we’re in the bathroom, here’s a classic thread, from 2003, that some of you may have missed.

Sauron, I forgot to add that I think your OP is a classic. I’m going to nominate it for Threadspotting.


In our house the flipping toilet has it’s own room. So the lid is up and the seat is down. The TP is hung on two spindles (over the top) and the moist wipes hangs out on the shelf in front of the toilet. The cats have not discovered “our” “litter box”. Now if I could get MrILOVCoffee to refill the flipping spindles when he uses the last square it would be nice but I don’t need to shout about it. I just have developed the habit of looking before I do my business to be sure I do NOT get trapped screaming for assistance.

Ya know, some of us work second shift Sean. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, I don’t care how you hang your toilet paper folks. What I do care about is those who are willy-nilly about their tp supply. People, there is just no excuse ever to run out of toilet paper. It’s plentiful. It’s relatively cheap. I say everybody should be required by law to have at a minimum four extra four pack rolls in reserve at all times. Personally, if there’s less than ten in the cave I get nervous.

Just understand this one thing, y’all. Never, never, EVER run out of toilet paper! It’s just inexcusable.

Feel better now, Sean? :smiley:

No way, man, we’re not falling for that again. As far as I’m concerned, nobody in the world wears shoes, and I like it that way.

Is the only reason for the ‘behind’ method due to cats and other animals? :confused:
I’ve always been an over-the-top person because, well, you can see where to grab the paper to get the job started and I’ve also done hotel housekeeping (except then you’re required to fold that end piece into a nice neat little point :rolleyes: ).
It’s never been an issue in our house, though I do find it annoying in other places having to play spin-the-roll to find the end piece.

You mean you don’t just leave it on the counter? So thats what that 5 inch peg is for.