Let me tell ya, folks, that is one BIG wiener, if ya know what I mean. Sure did a double take when I saw that in the carpool lane…
I’m gonna go take a bath now, but I was pondering…
What do you suppose it’s like to drive that thing? A smooth ride, or do you think it vibrates, you know, with road conditions being what they are.
A girl
I just got a job at the local Oscar Mayer plant today. Pretty good place to work for because of the pay and benifits.
Not a slaughter house, they don’t do that here. I am just a meat packer.
Okay, now fess up, who here is singing the song right now?
I just got a job at the local Oscar Mayer plant today. Pretty good place to work for because of the pay and benifits.
Not a slaughter house, they don’t do that here. I am just a meat packer.
Okay, now fess up, who here is singing the song right now?
And please understand that this is a good job, and if I could make just as good money doing something that wasn’t so contriversial(sp?) amongest carnivors and herbivors I would.
Sorry bout the double post guys, my server went down and I didn’t know that anything went through.
And I knew someone was out there singing along with me! Thanks Ursa!
Okay, now the rest of you fess up.
OK, I just have to relate this now. When Psycat and I were driving down to the Monterey Dopefest, we spotted am In-N-Out Burger truck heading down the freeway. I was telling her about the bumper sticker joke (for those of you who never had In-N-Out’s, the joke is: You take the In-N-Out Burger sticker and cut off the “-er”, hence making it, "In-N-Out Urge). As we passed the truck, we saw grease(or some strange liquid) running out of the back…eeewww… We checked out the drivers and it was sooo funny: The coupla dopiest looking goons driving and chuckling to each other. It was like Strange Brew revisited, I swear. I could just imagine these guys doing the most inane, Adam Sandleresque, sophomoric stunts in that truck. i.e. stopping and waiting for a line of people to form, and then taking off, inserting “X” into the burgers and cracking up, etc…
Shit. It’s not so funny telling it here. Ya ever wonder why you never see me in the jokes thread? Well, I know someone will get a kick out of this.
“Can’t this lousy rotten useless fucking lump of cosmic shit planet make up it’s fucking mind? It just makes me sick.”
–Dr. Watson
Hard to imagine cruising down the highway in one, though. Or parking it at the mall. Or lining up to get on a ferry. Or taking it in for an oil change…
It’s kind of surreal that such a thing exists anyway. What a kinda cool summer job if you were a college student and 3 months to goof around. I can imagine exactly what you’re talking about.
I just got a job at the Keebler plant. Pretty good place to work for because of the pay and benefits. It’s not a tree with elves, they don’t do that here. I’m just a fudge packer.
One time I was in line at the local establishment, this couple was in front of me, and the guy turned around and said, “Is this place any good?” :eek: Giving away their tourist status immediately, of course! Everybody stopped and looked at them like they were from Mars or something.
Dude, that would kick ass.
Can you imagine driving the weiner-mobile?
Picking up your date in it? Driving it to the pier in it, or to the romantic look out (make out?) spot? You could just drive to the pub and say
“I bet $500 that I have the biggest weiner in this joint.” That would kick ass.
“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”
ok, now go back and read the first three posts and ask yourself what ‘weinermobile’ we’re talking about. Batteries? Smooth or vibrating? Taking a bath? Stick shift?
Or am i just a perve?
If you want to have cities, you’ve got to build roads.
I hear that Weinermobile drivers have a high incidence of lung cancer because they are compelled to smoke a cigarette every time they go through a tunnel.
“It’s only common sense,
There are no accidents 'round here.”