I have noticed before that I do not detumesce (correct phraseology?) right after ejaculation. I just have to wait for it go get tired and fall asleep (like 20 minutes), or ‘will’ it away. It won’t just “fwomp” and lose air pressure rapidly.
Is this normal, or common, or can I consider sex lacking detumescense between rounds just a ‘perk’ for the ladies?
::sigh:: It may be a good perk, too bad no one seems to want to take advantage of it…
detumescense should be detumescence: contraction following expansion.
And I doubt you are sincerely interested in my correction of your use of Latin. But if you find that “It won’t just “fwomp” and lose air pressure rapidly.” you may want to buy yourself a better blow up doll.
I don’t mean to sound as though I don’t care about your ‘problem’, but I have to ask: This would be a problem why?
Unless it’s painful or is really bothering you for some reason, why worry about it? Speaking as a female, of course, I wouldn’t see this as a problem at all, but rather as a happy bonus.
My ex-bf had the same, well, I can’t say I’d call it a problem. He’s mid-30s, so it won’t necessarily go away with age (maybe after he hits 40, who knows). It was nice on those occasions when I was a little behind him, I could catch up since Mr. Happy was still perky.
I, on the other hand, have the “problem” (dunno if it is one, maybe you ladies can enlighten me) of having Major Happy staying up for great periods of time before spewing. I haven’t timed myself so I can’t tell you that, but if Science calls for it . . .
It is extremely annoying, though, when I wake up. Mommies don’t need to see that, IMO. That’s why they have husbands
FFR I am 18, so maybe my “condition” will go away after a while.
Handy, I also said “Unless it’s painful…” And, I was also speaking from my point of view, not presuming to know a man’s point of view on this subject.
iampunha, I’ve heard (though only have my hubby’s experience to judge by personally) that most men wake up with a hard on. They call it ‘morning woody’, I believe. Nothing to be upset or ashamed about, IMO. And, I am a mom of a teen son, though I’ve never paid any attention to whether or not he has the same problem. When I do go in his room in the morning, it’s to wake him up, not look at his ‘nether regions’.
As to the other, personally, I would consider it to be a good thing. Then again, my mom used to say my real middle name was ‘never enough’ though I’m sure that’s not what she had in mind.
I wasn’t saying it only happened when I woke up. It’s called morning wood, from what I hear, though the “y” may have been lost in the sands of time or whatever.
BTW, prolonged erections can cause big medical problems. If you really want to know that badly, email me and I’ll fill you in, so to speak.
I’ll say this much: an erection (blood-induced, not artificial) can cause your member to lose its ability to stand up. Not something you want to chance.
Iampunha: my husband has somewhat the same problem, although to him it is not a problem I suppose! For me it is, as after about 20 mins I am ready to get it OVER WITH ALREADY. I guess it’s not severe enough to be a medical problem, probably more to do with my short attention span.
Anyway I know that women are constantly complaining about “premature” ejaculation, but this is annoying too! What would you call it? Post-mature? Over-aged?
<Anyway I know that women are constantly complaining about “premature” ejaculation, but this is annoying too! What would you call it? Post-mature? Over-aged?>
I’m 18. I ain’t over-mature. I ain’t over-aged. I think, honestly, it has to do with not masturbating much in high school. We all know how teenage guys are thought of as horn-dogs . . . well, not all of us are. We don’t all spend every waking hour either masturbating or thinking about sex. I think that’s one reason I don’t go fwomp and shoot.
Another reason has to do with an accident (I’ll call it an accident charitably) that happened to me when I was in 2nd grade. Somewhat long, very painful story. Anyway, some damage may have been suffered to various parts of my body.
I always thought lasting a while was a good thing. And Brunetter, if you’ve got no kids, why would you want to hurry it along? Or is this just one of those things I’ll understand when I get married?
Ummmmmmm… I’m married, and I have 2 kids. I was wondering the same thing. I’m never in a hurry to ‘get it over with’. It must be some other reason, though I don’t presume to speak for Brunetter.
Now that I’ve completely embarrassed myself, I think I’ll leave quietly by the side door… :o
I hardly think there’s anything either mundane or pointless about the issues being discussed here. I think this thread might be better served in GQ where perhaps people would be more likely to assist in some research or provide actual medical knowledge.
P.S. There are things a woman can do to make a man reach orgasm whenever she’s ready (had enough, etc.). You just have to know the techniques (and no, I will not share them here - sorry).
But Shayna, if we move this thread, then I’ll have to start wondering about all the OTHER threads in GQ. This thread is also not a question about the board itself.
And I refuse to participate in a “psychic orgasms” study for men.
Hopefully, Brunetter, I will find a lady who doesn’t take the word “quickie” literally. Most women don’t like for sex to be over in time for the popcorn they put in the microwave
I also don’t want research or medical knowledge. I don’t care WHY it happens, it just does. Probably because I didn’t train myself to get “it” (masturbation) over and done with quickly.
Well how in-depth (so to speak) do you want me to get here? I don’t have an orgasm during intercourse. Therefore, our sexual life is very divided: I’m doing you, later you can do me. If we are having actual intercourse (which isn’t too often, we mostly do … umm… other things) it is for his pleasure (orgasm) not mine. I understand that if you are one of those lucky women who DO have an orgasm during intercourse, it is important that the guy last long enough in order for this to happen, and this is where women get annoyed about premature or early ejaculation.
HOWEVER, as I’ve said, this is not the case with my husband and I! If he is going to ejaculate, it’s due to a long and labor-intensive effort on my part. Not to be crass here, but my mouth/arms/legs/ whatever get really freaking tired and sore after 25 mins!
Anyway, I am not really in a huge hurry to get it over with or anything, I guess I was just trying to say that I think I could do a better job of sexually pleasing my husband if it took only 10 minutes of effort rather than 20 or more. I do enjoy pleasing him (of course!) so I hope that answers all your questions.
Ah, yes. Thus I can see why someone lasting any longer than 30 seconds might annoy you.
It’s a pity you don’t get the big (or small) O . . . I believe Cecil has written numerous columns on this (hey, what straight man wouldn’t want to?) . . .
Hey now … let’s not get nasty … of course I want him to last longer than 30 seconds, but let’s face it, I simply cannot perform my best for an indefinite period of time. I start to get tired after about 20 minutes of hardcore action, which makes the action slow down, which means the level of arousal goes down, which means it’s going to be even longer till he comes, meanwhile every muscle I’m using is screaming out for a break …
Let me clarify. I have orgasms. Many orgasms. Great orgasms. Amazing orgasms. But … not during sexual intercourse. Anyway, I’m really not the horrible lover you’re making me sound like (my husband would back me up here). I’m actually very giving and good at what I do. However, like I said in my last post, I ultimately think HE would have a BETTER orgasm if I was at my top form while doing whatever it is I’m doing to produce said orgasm, which means that it can’t take 25-30 minutes to get there, because I simply can’t do my best for that long. Yikes, why do I feel like I’m being personally attacked here? Come on over and I’ll PROVE it to ya, dammit!
A mans staying power depends on how long his first few sexual experiences were. Those who started with hookers, or with the folks in the next room were pressured to get it done quickly, they are patterned to come soon. Those who could take a nice leisurely stab at it have patterned themselves to last long.
The time between erections is the refractory period. For that, the penis has to come down first.
At any rate, there is no specific period a man has to keep it up. Ive met women who want it up a long time & others who want a guy to come as soon as it is put in. Both cases make the woman come, so there just isnt any specific period. Hopw you find a nice match.