Screw France

Didn’t someone already saddle Boston with them (the Expos, I mean…)?

If the Statue of Liberty were really French, she’d have hairy underarms.

stereotype much, you ignorant xenophobe?

I believe the equivalent is cap anglais.

Oh, dear Lord. Mireille! Mireille! And that little girl with the boat.

Agh! Flashbacks to high school French.

:: prepares to begin singing La Marseillaise ::

Would you care for a glass of kir, Beagle?

You mean all those vineyards using California grapes? We have that already. If I had to surrender to a country based on the melodiousness of their language, I would pick the Portuguese or Welsh - I prefer English to French. Paris is hardly the most beautiful city in the world, and I don’t get the part about Southerners becoming wealthy.

Anyway, if the US has to surrender to any country, I prefer it to be Australia. That would be good times. Paul Hogan could be our president, and Steve Irwin could be Vice President. And Fosters beer and Outback steakhouses as far as the eye could see…aaaah, that would glorious. :smiley:

the south of France is extremely prosperous (with some exceptions).

I’m sure their 3 season-ticket holders will be crushed.

The Onion speaks out on this issue.

Hey, I think France has the balls that most nations lack. They do things their way, and even though I may disagree with some of their stances (we’re talking politics, not people), I respect that.

You know, last thread about sexual relations with an entire country or two, I brought up the same objection; but I am still confused about how to get the job done.

The logistics, man! The LOGISTICS!!!

Are we all supposed to screw France? Are we talking geography here? Have some lucky ladies (and/or gentlemen, I suppose) straddling the Eiffel Tower? Should I toss it in the Louvre? I need answers!!

I guess this seems like a more feasible approach than Germany and France licking one guy’s balls, but I still just see it as a tactical nightmare.

If we surrender to France, I’ll have to learn how to say “Ya’ll come see us, ya heah?” in French–I doubt it’ll translate but maybe some a ya’ll international types can take a shot at it.

Oh, hell, we could do most of that just by moving the capitol to San Francisco. Napa Valley already has better wine than any French swill, San Francisco is ten times as beautiful as Paris, with a nicer climate to boot. And Spanish is far more lovely a language than French, which is the only language that even native speakers can’t pronounce correctly.

Pop quiz, hotshot…When you hear the words “cheese-eating surrender-monkeys”, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?


Ever wonder why?

You heard SCSimmons We’re going to do it one at a time, man, one at a time.

Message board morons?

Elephants. What?

Screw Pie
My want of pie has been a thorn in my side for way too long.

I say we leave, go to the store and add pie to our shopping list.

When come back, bring pie.

Hey Weebl, wake up and decide, you are either with me or against me. And, frankly, want pie now.

Whoosh much, oh humorless one?

Jingoistic chest-thumping morons attempting wit, only to display their ignorance and prejudice instead. But that’s just me.

I guess it’s because jingoistic chest-thumping morons are so incredibly hard to shut up.