Screw Greg Abbott {Texas Governor}

That wasn’t mockery; it was accuracy.

No it’s not. The idiom is “walked back”. Modifying the entirely abstract idiom because Abbott is in a wheelchair serves no purpose other than to mock his disability.

There’s also the idiom rolled back. Works the same, so it is all about accuracy.

Running _Coach isn’t mocking wheelchair users. Not that he needs defending.

My mother (who lives near Austin) just responded to the Abbott lifting of restrictions by shopping for an enormous amount of groceries this morning; enough to last almost a month. She knows that things are about to become much more dangerous soon as a result of Abbott’s recklessness and wanted to beat the Covid-infected crowd early. Won’t go out shopping for that again anytime soon.


To be fair, none of that was actually his doing. The separate Texas grid is something that happened between about 75-100 years ago, depending on when you trace the inception to. The deregulation of the power market and the last major winter storm were both under Rick Perry’s administration. Abbott just ended up being the guy holding the bag in large part. Sure, he appointed morons to the Public Utility Commission, but even at that, ERCOT and the PUC don’t really have the teeth they need to be able to enforce the sort of stuff that would have prevented the issues a couple of weeks ago. I doubt that’s Abbott’s doing either- if I had to make a guess, I’d think that dates from the initial start of the PUC and ERCOT.

But instead of assuming any responsibility and providing any sort of leadership in a time of crisis, Abbott just made things worse by trying to blame it on wind power instead of doing the usual indignant “We’ll investigate, fix this and punish the guilty!” stuff that most politicians do.

It was perplexing that of all the things he could have said, he chose to try and parrot some kind of lame party line about wind energy… in the nation’s leading state in installed wind power capacity (3x the generating capacity of the next state- Iowa) I mean, I didn’t expect a large sweeping set of executive orders to actually remedy anything, or help the afflicted, but I didn’t expect all that suffering and hardship to be merely the backdrop for him to crow some party-line bullshit about green energy either.

I know it isn’t right to mock his disability. But if he ever wore camo I’d tell him “You can hide but you can’t run”

Disability or no, he’s a world class dick. Apparently one must show slavish devotion to the Donald worldview that covid was a “Democrat” hoax by pretending that sensible precautions are a sign of weakness.

Not how I interpreted it. Both are valid idioms, but rolling back is generally quick, while walking back does things in small steps. Rolling back is usually about restoring things to the way they were, while walking back is more about quietly going back on what you previously said.

Since this thread is about Abbot rescinding all COVID restr4ictions, and isn’t implying that the original restrictions were wrong, I think “rolling back” makes more sense in this case.

Plus I can’t help but hear the old Walmart jingle about rolling back prices, which seems a fitting allusion to me. He’s likely doing this for business interests, after all.

I made that connection, too.

I laughed.

The peeing in the pool analogy is good. The way I heard it explained is:
A bunch of crafters are gathering to work on their crafts.
One crafter is using glitter.
How many projects now involve glitter?

The Onion is on the case for mockery:

the scary thing is, this will give the variants time to get a foothold, and maybe more mutations that we won’t be able to treat.

I’ve heard people ask “what will history say?” Will history say this was our one chance to get ahead of the plague that killed millions/billions?

I simply hate these people.

The important thing and the takeaway will be that Republicans will blame the uptick in cases and deaths on Biden and the Democrats. Why? Because they’re in charge, of course.

Greg Abbott is messing with Texas. It was my understanding that this was frowned upon.

When you’re a Republican, they just let you do it. Grab 'em by the policy.

The governor also announced that slowing down during ice storms is for pussies.

I thought the storms were proved to be fake on social media.

ETA - Um, no, not my birthday today

You joined the boards on this day. Birthday, you get a whole cake.