Screw Greg Abbott {Texas Governor}

Definitely fake snow! I have the pictures to prove it. Here’s my fake dog going out to fake pee in the fake snow at 4:30 am. (What a good doggie!) Click on pic for full size.

And here’s one of my fake cat sitting on my fake deck while the fake snow is falling. She looks very realistic, doesn’t she? She’s from Korea by way of amazon. I have to plug her into a charger every night, but that’s no prob.

Our local park pond froze solid enough that someone was able to heave one of the railroad ties used for landscaping out onto it and it held.

(how do you paste it so it shows up in the post anyway?)

It should have shown up. Paste the link and then “enter” at the end of it.

Like this:

I just want to tell Thelma Lou that her backyard is so nice. Inviting and cozy with nice hangout spots. And doggies and catzes!

Thank you. You are so kind to say so. I do love it, because it’s tiny. This is the whole thing. That door at the back goes to my garage/laundry room. I lived in the country for 20 years with 16 unfenced acres. I love this postage-stamp-sized yard because I can see everything at a glance. Here’s a summer pic and another one in the rain.

Apologize for the interruption in the screwing of Greg Abbott. Let’s get back to it!

Even with the small size (which I love) it has enough nooks and crannies that you have lots of options. It’s just so appealing. Is that an oak? Love them, too.

Er, screw Greg Abbott!

No, there are two huge trees in the back yard, and they are awful ones called Chinese Tallow. They shade the whole yard but drop these little beady things with hard shells that get stuck in your shoes. They do make the yard beautiful when they’re all leafed out. It would be great if they were oaks, but alas, no.

BTW, screw Greg Abbott!

Not sure you want an oak. They are homicidal regarding things growing below them.

However - - - - - SQUIRREL !!!

Screw the whole trio/quartet - Abbot, Paxton, Patrick and Perry for good measure. There brains and compassion wouldn’t fill a beanie let alone a 10 gallon hat.

I thought it was eucalyptus trees that were death to everything growing beneath them?

Screw Abbot, Patrick, and Paxton!

Forgot Perry. Oops.

Walnut trees are almost as bad. Nice to have walnuts in the fall, though!

Fuck those guys.

Those live oaks are a menace, especially in March when the yellow haze around town is all the pollen. And they’re evergreens and drop their old leaves in March, so there’s that joy to deal with.

They wreak havoc on foundations, too, unless you put in root barriers, but all the HOAs around here seem to think every house needs 2 of them within 8 feet of the house and 2 more on the street for good measure.

I’m ThelmaLou and I endorse this message. With the addition of Ted Cruz.

What confuses Delia Ramos about Gov. Greg Abbott’s recent decision to cast off coronavirus restrictions in Texas isn’t his order to let more people into restaurants. The Brownsville school counselor knows people are hurting economically.

But with more than 43,000 dead in Texas — including her husband — is wearing a mask in public too much to ask? At the least, it could take pressure off the medical systems and help prevent more people from dying, she said.

“It’s not about taking away anybody’s job or making anybody else suffer financially because everybody has their families to take care of,” said Ramos, who lost her husband Ricardo to the coronavirus last year.

“People can go pick up groceries, people can go into a restaurant and people can shop around the mall in masks,” she said.

But President Joe wants everyone to wear a mask, so therefore Greg has to be against it! Plus, he wants everyone to go out and party and forget the power-water failure of a couple of weeks ago.

I qualify for a COVID vaccine, but despite weeks of trying I have yet to even get an indication that I’m on a waiting list, much less scheduled for an injection. Now my esteemed Governor deems it perfectly OK to eliminate perfectly useful precautions. Thanks, Abbott, you worthless prick; I guess I just have to hope I can continue to dodge the bullet for another couple of months.

You guys just don’t understand how smart Republicans are, OK? Abbott is a fucking genius, a compassionate genius, and if you can’t see that you must be some kind of liberal at the command of the MSM.
(No, it’s not just you it’s fucking freezing in here. Light a candle, AN AMERICAN CANDLE, and sit real close to it, Texans.)

I like Chinese tallows. They grow fast and can get scraggly but if you pollard them to keep them in line, they’re nice ornamental trees with delicate leaves.

Also, go to hell, Abbott!

Just put the URL, all by itself, on a line by itself, like this:

What you have in your post is:


Me too. Abbott thinks 7.6% vaccinated should be way more than enough to open shit again!!

I hate that guy.

Well, see, when the cases and deaths start going up Greg can say, “I left it up to the freedumb-loving Texans to use their judgment about the risks, so it’s not my fault that they’re dropping like flies.”

Plus, “It’s Joe Biden’s fault anyway-- he’s the President (sort of), right? He wanted to be in charge, so now he’s in charge. Don’t anyone come whining to me!”