Actually, last week’s and one or two others have been lame as well.
Carla had 10 minutes of PPD 3 or 4 episodes into the season, and then she was fine?
JD is getting whimpier?
The best thing (possibly the only good thing) about last night’s episode was Janitor and the Fish.
My 2d week in a row attempting to watch it after glimpses of the odd rerun made me think it might be worthwhile.
Looks like another 1/2 hour in which I can read!
I’ve been watching the re-runs on Comedy Central and my local affiliate, and I must say, the current episodes have suffered by comparison. The recap show was ridiculous, the “debate” show was uncomfortable to watch, and since when does Carla have a lame sense of humor? Elliot’s suicide attempt could have been more dramatic, and killing a goldfish? Gah.
And why isn’t Private Dancer in a VA hospital?
I’ve also noted Kelso is getting more bloated as the episodes go on.
Go back to JD not knowing he’s having a baby, to Isabella, and Jordan and Cox’s relationship and worry about their unborn daughter.
I thought the ending was quite sweet. It was a good attempt at capturing the first season’s “life lesson” theme. The part where Dr. Cox walked around explaining why everyone was funny, was a little… overdone. I love self-parodies as much as the next person (maybe even more), but pointing out why each and every single character is funny is just a little too much. (Although I secretly wish that they had shown Doug and Dr. Cox saying something along the lines of "Doug is funny because he kills every patient he comes across due to his incompetence, so we turfed him to pathology and that is why we don’t see him around much anymore!) It wasn’t a bad episode, but it definitely could have been better.
I think by the end of this season, it will have come out that JD is actually a man trapped in a whiny woman’s psyche. There’s a difference between being sensitive and being annoying. He may need to be slapped.
The Janitor & The Fish was a funny addition. So was switching out the Doctor’s photos.
I thought the ending, while sweet in theory, was a bit much. Just because they each thought about killing themselves at one point, does that mean they’re destined to be together? That relationship will carry more baggage than a Boeing 777. :rolleyes:
Maybe he has insurance through his family and would rather stay alive.
Yeah, the Janitor and the Fish was the only part I really liked. The suicide thing seemed kind of lame, especially since they already went down that road once before with that girl who was suicidal.