SDMB Fantasy Football updates

First, when will the draft order be decided for the Osip’s and Adams fantasy leagues? I know we have a few days, but I’d like to know.

I have three slots left in the Doug’s Fantasy Football 2003 league. Most of the scoring is set to defaults, and the draft is next Friday at 11:55 pm (the closest to the season start I could get.)

The league ID is 183709, the password is donna.

One last thought: I hope Wes Ours makes the Steelers team. There always needs to be a scrappy regular guy on the team.

Also, the “He Hate Me, He Hate Me Not” league is set to pop on Tuesday, August 26 at 9:35 pm EDT. Here’s the link in case anyone is missing it:

I spoke too soon, Ours is already cut.

Hope he finds another team…

I’m ready for the He Hate Me, He Hate Me Not league. This is going to be a fun season!

I was just about to start a thread about the Adams League.

The draft is set for August 30, at 1:35 CDT.

There are still 2 places open for anyone interested. I’ve invited a non-Dope buddy of mine for one of them, but first come, first served. On the morning of the draft, I will pull names out of a hat to determine draft order. That way it matters not when you join, you could still get the #1 pick (Although it should be mine, dammit).

Any questions, you can email me.

Spoke too soon. Apparently, Yahoo will randomize the draft order for me.

Don’t forget you’ll be picking a defensive line and two defensive backs in my league.

I’d just like to say that I will dominate Osip’s league. That’s why they don’t want to post here. They’re saying their prayers.

Thank you.

Just a quick reminder; t-minus 34 hours.

Ohhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhh.