Upon seeing this very one sided “debate” I came to the conclusion that we here at the SDMB are running out of ignorance to fight. After further consideration, I decided that people aren’t getting any smarter, they’re just running away from those of us who want to take away their blissful ignorance.
I say we track these cowards down, invade their cecilless boards and smack them over the head with the truth! Who’s with me?
okaaayy… Who’s kinda interested?..
FINE! Go back to your post-count parties, and your stupid sexual references that never go anywhere, and your sentimental tree-hugging hippie crap!
/me wanders off to the pit to recruit some people who know how to fight…
While every individual is free to post wherever the hell he wants, we (the Straight Dope Administration) have a simple request: please do not mass-invade other message boards “on behalf” of the Straight Dope, fighting ignorance, or what have you. The LBMB (Left Behind Message Board, a Christian MB affiliated with the Left Behind book series) experience has taught us that much.
eggo, sorry, but I’m confused! What, exactly, is your point? Are you ragging on the creationists (making excuses for the flood) or the non-creationists (pointing out that the flood seems to be anti-scientific)?
eggo, about this time last year, some of the Dopers discovered the “Left Behind Message Board,” or LBMB. It’s a message board devoted to talking about the “Left Behind” series of books, which are about the Rapture (i.e. - the return of Christ), and the travails of those who are “left behind” (i.e. - don’t get their options picked up during the Rapture). The people who post to that Board tend to have a fundamentalist Christian theology, and many are creationists. It’s been described as sort of an “alternative universe SDMB.”
Some Dopers started posting there, challenging creationism, then reporting back on a thread here about their adventures. The folks at LBMB found out about who this group of new, and to their minds, hostile, posters were, and started coming over here. Some were thoughtful, interesting people, whom I thought were a welcome addition to this Board. Others, however, thought their Board was “under attack,” started spamming vociferously, and complaining to the SDMB managment.
Eventually, everyone made nice, most of the LBMB folks left, some stayed around and chatted for a month or two.
eggo I’m a creationist… but I’m not too sure I want to debate it! Not because I don’t want my beliefs challenged (actually, I welcome that! If I’m wrong about creationism, I wanna know!!), but rather because I’m not nearly smart enough or quick enough on my feet to defend my beliefs… others seem to be doing a better job of it on both sides than I could do.
I did post a few times in GD about creationism- related topics, and it quickly became apparent that others out there knew far more about it than I, so now I just lurk there (for the most part)!
OTOH, if everyone restricted themselves to only posting about topics they know very well… this would be a pretty boring place!
eggo, I missed most of it too, since it started over the Christmas holidays and I wasn’t surfing much. First came to my attention when the spamming of GQ and GD started - very much a “WTF??” Fortunately it blew over.