SDMB How To…? Is there one? Specifically, how to unsubscribe from a thread?

How do I unsubscribe from a thread? I did not find it in the FAQ.

Is there a How To? If not it would be nice to have one.

Both for a Computer & Mobile should be the same.

There is a Watching or Tracking button on the page to the left side below the last post. Click that and choose Normal

There is one, but perhaps we should add more to it.

Maybe we can gather up questions and answers here and then we can add them to the new post in the Registration Agreement, Rules and FAQ thread. Or we may add them to this post: Terms of Service and FAQ - #3 by Bone

@engineer_comp_geek, is there a preferred spot to add new Q&As to the FAQ thread? Should we add to Bones’ posts or start a new one like I did for now?

The Discourse “how to” documentation can be found here:

@What_Exit thanks for that. I was looking at the first post for a way to do that.

@engineer_comp_geek thank you, too. In there, what I needed was Topic notifications. It’s right there.

Discourse user guide — \

I made a shortened URL.

Which you almost posted as a usable link. Here, now it’s fixed.

Actually I did that on purpose so that people could read the shortened, more helpful URL:


What you have is the same result as if the true URL were used.

I see. That went right over my head.

No worries

You’ve helped with many other things!