(Got clearance, Clarance, from the admin for this)
I’m always excited by the number of people on the SDMB who are willing and interested enough to share their musical knowledge and opinions (shouldn’t you all be practicing!?!?). Now, though, I think the time has come for us to share our music itself. Which is why I propose . . .
. . . The First (Annual?) SDMB Member Compilation Album Massacre!
Let’s put our collective musical talents to work, and put an album together. My idea is to get a finite number of submissions of songs; either things you’ve already recorded, or stuff that you might want to record specifically for this project. I’ll compile them, do a small bit of mastering, put an album cover together, and make them available for free digitally (with a password). It’s an idea I admittedly stole from another site I’m on that does something similar every year with great success.
I’m thinking of getting the finished product out maybe sometime in April. It’s a long timeline, but it allows for the holidays to come and go, and then a good three months for people to do any recording they’d want to do, and for me to put it all together.
Thoughts? Anyone want in? I was thinking about trying to theme this CD (beginnings, maybe?), but any theme would be only a loose idea and not something that anyone would be obligated to stick to. Unless I get a million submissions, anyone who wants in is in.
Below is the basic timeline that I’m thinking of.
[li]1/7 - Let me know you intend to participate via e-mail (it’s in my profile). [/li][li]1/21 - Let me know what you intend on submitting. Song title, roughly how long it is, anything else you might want me to know[/li][li]3/1 - Get me audio files [/li][li]4/15 - Album is completed[/li][/ul]
. . . so, who’s with me? I think this could be a lot of fun, and a great chance to share our music with each other!