SDMB Nomenclative Philosophy

We have, for example:


Cajun Man


One chooses an underscore, another opts for a space and the third elects to run with neither. What is the thinking here?

Cajun Man has it right.

Jack Batty is right about Cajun Man being right.

It can’t be dave since there is a self-professed weirdness there.

But now we can add my no caps one word to the fray, eh?

No-caps-one-word RULES!

Pshaw, all good screen names involve a number. And of course, no caps is essential.

When picking an ID, I usually just mash at the keyboard until something I can pronounce comes up. Same goes for most of my posts…

Spiritus Mundi is right about Jack Batty being right about Cajun Man being right. Right?

Aye. Verily.

Hmmm. I used Ross because I was naive enough to be surprised it wasn’t taken. However I’ve found that I’m almost unique in using my own name. ChiefScott even said “With a username as fey as Ross I feel sorry enough for him already”, but heck, it got me noticed. Besides I was getting on his nerves at the time. I use it all the time now on various boards. Never taken.

Were I to choose a new name that doesn’t make me sound like a geek, it’d be something like Arthur Dent. Maybe Ford Prefect. Zaphod is gone, I think.

Captain Amazing is right about Spiritus Mundi being right about Jack Batty being right about Cajun Man being right.

At least that’s what I think.

all lower case??? how e e cummings,
Now a real UserName should start with a Capital and have another later on, perHaps at the start of the seCond sylable

Yep…I agree. :slight_smile:

Undoubtedly so. Understated. Elegant.

See, I was so used to working in DOS (you remember that, dontcha?) when I joined that it didn’t occur to me to seperate the two words.
I think that’s where the underline comes from too.

One is the loneliest number. Two words are better than one. Especially when separated by a space and capitalized. Apostrophes help, too.

Well, obviously.

Sue Duhnym is right aboutCaptain Amazing** being right about Spiritus Mundi being right about Jack Batty being right about Cajun Man being right.

Wicked Blue and ** Darwin’s Finch** are at least half-right, too.

If you really want to get on his nerves, spell it ChiefSc:)tt.



Lousy stinking rassum-frassum [/**b] tag

What about no spaces, but capital letters at the begining of each new word?