SDMB PC multiplayer gaming

War Thunder’s ace advance pack is $20 as a flash sale. It’s a F2P Game, but that’s the best package to get (2 months of premium and 10,000 gold which can be spent on like 9 more months of premium or various planes or xp or crew training). It’s a pretty fantastic deal, if you’re planning to invest any money in the game at all, that’s the way to go.

I’m pretty pissed at what they’ve done with the recent patch, but for 50% off what was already the best value package, eh, fine.

As for mumble, my first guesses are that you didn’t take the slashes out of the url (I use those so random bots don’t steal the address) or you put the host name where label should go maybe.

Nope, took the slashes out. I’ll go hack at it some more.

I’ve been playing some war thunder since they fixed the egregious matchmaking bug, although the matchmaking in general is worse now. I’ve been trying to get some BF4 China Rising games going, but people haven’t been in the mood lately. I’m going to try to get some Natural Selection 2 games going tomorrow, so if you’re interested, make sure it’s installed and configured.

I’m also unable to access the SDMB Mumble server.

I figured it out - it’s a .com address, not a .net address.

Woops, I’ll ask a mod to change it. My bad.

I did it for you, SenorBeef.

I haven’t played contagion on multiplayer, just single player. I find it kind of boring actually. You run around for 20 minutes shooting zombies in the head until they catch you off guard, corner you and kill you. But multiplayer could add some novelty to the game.

AHA!! Let’s see what happens with that.


Booyah!! Connection established! Thanks, JB!

I’m fooling around in Planetside 2 if anyone wants to come. Also, I’m trying out the shadowplay twitch streaming client, you can watch the feed here if it’s still up.

We’re switching to some natural selection 2 if anyone wants in for that. I’m going to keep streaming since it turns out the shadowplay streamer is pretty much a freebie.

Tonight we’re going to goof off in Just Cause 2 Multiplayer for a bit, then probably switch to some NS2 or chivalry or something. Hop on mumble if you want in.

I have a huge backlog of unedited video files I never got around to editing, sorting, and posting… going back a year now. I’ve been trying to delete most of it and salvage what’s worth posting, but it’s quite a lot to go through. But I’ll be posting random stuff from our past.

From a couple of nights ago, JC2MP Rickshaw Migration. The server had an unusually high ping and is a bit glitchy, it’s not normally that bad. Our bumbling armored vehicle attack on the airport from the same night

Old: Galaxy burster max ambush proof of concept. I never organized everyone again to do it more effectively, I should’ve.

From around the same time, sunderer ambush harassment at NC warpgate

Day Z The Goat is one of ours (it helps to know that of all the casualties the SDMB rape squad took in Day Z, I was responsible for 43% of them)

Silly ending to a chivalry LTS match

Oh cool! I’ve been looking for some people to play L4D2, TF2, and/or some new games with. I’ll have to remember to join when I get home.

Pick me! Pick me! My wife is going out of town in a few weeks so I’ll be bonding with the PC once the kids go to bed. I was on last night and with the “One night free” deal they had the other day there were lots of . . . new people on the game. Made for some interesting scavenger matches. :rolleyes:

If I do it right this should be my steam profile.

I haven’t been able to play with these guys for probably a year now, but I can attest that they’re always good for an enjoyable evening, and Beef keeps doing his best to try to get me back in. I actually have my first extended block of gaming time in quite a while right now… and I’m using it on Skyrim. So, uh, sorry about that. :slight_smile:

We’re going to play some natural selection 2 tonight, and maybe something else later. Come play with us, or if you’re curious, I’m going to livestream it.

We’re going to do some newbie-friendly tier 1 war thunder tonight, so if you wanted to give it a try, now is the time.

Looks like we’re having a big drunk gaming session. We’ll be playing chivalry or ns2 or ps2 later, probably chiv. Hop in if you’re around, or I may do some live streaming later, check that out if you want.

We still pull out half-life 2 deathmatch from time to time. It involves toilets to the face and various such things. It’s only $1.25 for the next 28ish hours on steam, grab it.

Well, I just uninstalled PlanetSide 2. I suck at shooter games and tend to serve as little more than cannon fodder to run up other people’s scores.

SB, what are some recommendations for a SteamNoob like me who doesn’t do well as a shooter?

Tonight we’re going to be playing Battlefield 4. It’s not on steam so I can’t see everyone who has it, so if you’ve got it, and you like to play with us, add me on both steam and on origin/battlelog, same name. Or just hop in our mumble tonight.