SDMB Pet Peeves

Okay, we all have them–things people do on the MB that just irk us. Not royally piss us off, not majorly offend us, just irk the crud out of us. What are yours? (And here’s hoping this thing doesn’t wind up in the BBQ Pit…)

I’ll start with my biggest pet peeve:

  1. People who say they’re leaving, and then don’t. Stick to your word, dammit! If you say you’re leaving, then SHUT UP AND LEAVE ALREADY! This includes people who say “This is my last post in this thread,” and then come back a half dozen more times to perpetuate whatever is going on. This is particularly bad in the Pit. It just makes them look silly.

  2. People who make a huge production out of leaving. Especially people who post a reply somewhere in a thread, saying “I’m leaving!” and then don’t. Nope, they come back to start a PAY ATTENTION TO ME! thread announcing, with great drama and martyrdome, that they are leaving, y’all suck, I’m too good for you, it’s all your fault you shitheads, here take THIS–I’m GONE! …again.

  3. Replies that quote every other comment in a long thread, with a comment afterwards. Not that they don’t necessarily have something to say, but they just go on…and on…

Okay, gang, your turn. Fire away! :smiley:

People who post their thoughts and then get pissed off when others voice a difference of opinion, and then refuse to listen to any viewpoint but their own.

People who think trolls are cute.

People whose first post is a “goodbye” thread.

There’s more, but I’d prefer to keep this out of the Pit as well.

Ok I’ll go since I’m trying to get my post count up…

I also HATE Goodbye threads, they remind me of someone who quits thier job and then gets upset because the boss doesn’t beg them to stay and offer a big raise.

I also get kinda peeved when the original poster doesn’t come back and add more to thier thread after 20 or so replies (although I have done this myself, but then I often peeve myself) I just like to hear the OPer answer some replies.

That’s it for me

If you add your gripes to the thread below, they may stay around longer. (MPSIMS threads are usually quickly gone.)

What’s your least favorite message board quirk?

  1. Smilies
  2. Non capitilization/punctuation bastards.
  3. Smilies
  4. Chicks who don’t flirt.
  5. Smilies
  6. People who quote the post directly before them (Hint: Use the quote feature for a post farther up the thread so your response makes sense.
  7. Smilies
  8. People who put quotes after their comments. And above all,
  9. Smilies

Oops. I did a search by user name a couple of days ago, trying to get a handle on a poster. There was no feedback in probably 90% of the threads she started. Not a “thanks” or even a “f*** you”.

Then I did a search for me, and found several threads that I thought had come to an end, but they hadn’t, and there were responses I didn’t see. So I was guilty of the same thing. Short attention span, I guess. And part of it is not wanting to look like I’m trying to pad, or bump a dead thread for attention.

But I’ve resolved to be more attentive, and hey – if it gets me to 1,000 posts, so be it! :slight_smile:

And as for the OP, I don’t like threads that get no responses, especially if they’re from newbies. When I can, I try to think of something to say. Nobody likes to be ignored.

  1. Bugs me that profanity and rants are supposed to be confined to the pit, but the pit seems to be nothing but rants and profanity. Logic and considerate thinking are almost ridiculed there unless profanity and insults accompany it.

  2. When a thread is generally lambasting a certain attitude or stance anyone trying to be reasonable is lambasted as well.

  3. The only supposed rule “don’t be a jerk” seems to have a lot of non-intuitive applications. Who would think whining is being a jerk? Yet whining is almost hated as much if not more than trolling or sock-puppetry.

I guess the thing that irks me the most is when someone posts without reading through the thread. Sometimes it is so obvious that the only posts read are the OP and the most recent one. Many times this just leads to needless repetition.

Of course, the peeve is a little more personal when someone posts what they think is an insightful response, and someone (like me for instance) has already presented that particular pearl of wisdom. Of course johnnycomelately gets the credit for being oh so clever, because others also haven’t read through the post to see the original point.

Yeah, yeah, I know that’s my ego showing. I’ll get over it.

(Smilies foregone in deference to ChiefScott)

** divemaster ** already said mine, but since I refuse to be an anti come lately, I’m adding on to it! I read the whole thread, but when I read some of the answers or comments that others write down, I wonder whether I’M nuts or they are. It’s easy to misunderstand when we don’t see one another face to face, but part of reading the whole OP and then the responses is to get to know everyone better, isn’t it??

Please people, read the OP then all the responses, if there’s too many, maybe it’s best to skip on rather than going straight to the bottom and putting in your comment. You’ll either miss other humorous tidbits or insights that others give so that you could learn about that particular poster.

I really HOPE this doesn’t land in the pit because some of us don’t go there all that much and this could be a real help in learning more about tips on using the board more effectively. Thanks for sharing your peeves ** Ruffian, ** and giving us the chance to do so too. :wink:


Yes, I hate it when someone with a post count of 3 starts a thread with a question and disappears for ever.

I have to say though that I often lose track of threads I have posted in and would like to follow. I have thought of bookmarking every thread but this seems excessive. I used the email notificattion thing but had to turn it off as I was being inundated with emails… so forgive me if I ever seem to not reply to something. I am interested in following every thread I post to.

Which make me think it would be a useful feature to have the posts arranged first all the ones where I have posted and second all the rest. That choice would be a good one IMHO. Could it be done?

I hate when I go away for a few hours and find that the OP I planned on replying to later has ballooned into a 3-page monster, and I’ve only got a limited amount of time to read before I have to go somewhere else. Then whan I come back, there’s been 10,000 (an exaggeration) additional new threads and the one I was tracking is buried on page 6 or something.

I’ll get over it.


Interesting, one of mine is “guys who can refer to women in a disrespectful manner, for, example, ‘chick’ and still get plenty of women to flirt with them”.

Also the women who flirt with guys who use the word “chick”…

Come to think of it, I’ve used “chick”, so I’d better withdraw that.

I resent that remark. Rather, I resemble that. I use Shakespeare quotes all the time.

However, as a courtesy to a fellow poster, I shall magnanimously forego using one this time.

See what a great guy I am? :smiley:

Oops. :slight_smile:


Anyway, Iampunha–I don’t think ANYONE thinks trolls are “cute”. Some people are less offended than others, but “cute”? None that I know of, unless it’s another troll.

Ruffian, you’re absolutely right in your OP–it’s kind of funny to watch people loudly claim they’re leaving: “No–don’t try to stop me…DAMMIT, I mean it this time! What do you mean you don’t care if I leave??”

Kind of like the guy who’s fed up with the ladies and swears off of them. For about a minute. “THAT’S IT, GODDAMMIT! All women are evil. They make me sick, and I want to hurl–SAY, you’re kind of cute.”

(I wasn’t talking about me–stop looking at me like that! Stop it! Or I’ll leave.)

On the other hand, I KNOW I’m guilty of Ruffian’s #3 gripe.

Actually, DRY, I quite enjoy your Bard postscripts.

I was referring to quotes pulled from earlier in the thread.

See how fucked up that is?

Posters named ChiefScott, they really chafe my willy.

:: Ducks, runs ::

I didn’t mean it, I swear! (Smily withheld so Chief won’t kill me with a Tomahawk cruise missile or something…I even double checked my post to make sure that stupid grinning smily didn’t show up with the : and D).

Fox two, Fox two! Missiles away!

Damn, I’ve gotta take out half of LA to get this bastid.

OK, you puss leaking boil on the ass of a rabid albino baboon, you’ve got exactly 30 minutes to bow before my recalcitrant posturing.

Clock’s running…

Ha! Don’t make me post a smily! I fart in your general direction.

And for your information, I’m a hemorrhoid on the ass of a rabid albino baboon. I refuse to bow until you apologize for that grievous error in terminology.

I hate it when people feel it necessary to use their sig in every single post. This is especially annoying if they are on one thread many times. Once I read your sig 5 or 6 times, I get it ok? and even if I try not to read it, I end up scrolling all over the damn place. BAH!

Right now, I’d say my major SDMB Pet Peeve is called Lindsay.

Coldfire my darling, I so agree with you.

I also have to agree about the people who say they’re going to leave and then don’t.

And my biggest peeve is that no one calls ME chick.

My biggest pet peeve are SO’s who are invited to the SDMB and then, in fewer than 5 posts, make a laughing stock of the sweet, innocent man who brought her there.

Other than that, I can’t stand people who get offended by jokes. You wanna know when I’m kidding and not being serious? Look for the smiley :wink: :smiley: :wally :rolleyes:
And if I forget the smiley, but later tell you it was just a joke, let it go!

Now I know the Chief hates those, and I wouldn’t have posted them normally, but he’s been hitting on my woman, so :stuck_out_tongue: