Okay, we all have them–things people do on the MB that just irk us. Not royally piss us off, not majorly offend us, just irk the crud out of us. What are yours? (And here’s hoping this thing doesn’t wind up in the BBQ Pit…)
I’ll start with my biggest pet peeve:
People who say they’re leaving, and then don’t. Stick to your word, dammit! If you say you’re leaving, then SHUT UP AND LEAVE ALREADY! This includes people who say “This is my last post in this thread,” and then come back a half dozen more times to perpetuate whatever is going on. This is particularly bad in the Pit. It just makes them look silly.
People who make a huge production out of leaving. Especially people who post a reply somewhere in a thread, saying “I’m leaving!” and then don’t. Nope, they come back to start a PAY ATTENTION TO ME! thread announcing, with great drama and martyrdome, that they are leaving, y’all suck, I’m too good for you, it’s all your fault you shitheads, here take THIS–I’m GONE! …again.
Replies that quote every other comment in a long thread, with a comment afterwards. Not that they don’t necessarily have something to say, but they just go on…and on…
Okay, gang, your turn. Fire away!