SDMB Steam user community

Dotchan you have a private message.

If anyone doesn’t have L4D2 by now but wants to play with us, it’s $5 today only.

Just bought it, and it’s downloading. I’ll be looking for all y’all later…

The L4D2 games will probably be disrupted for a few days - when sales come through people buy a few new games and tend to want to spend their gaming hours playing those for a while.

BTW, if enough people grab Call of Duty 4 today ($15) I’ll set up some SDMB games. It’s the last good COD game - and it’s very good if you like that sort of thing.

FWIW, I’m a member of the group, but virtually all my gaming time lately is in Titan Quest–the game hits on pretty much all my gaming buttons, and I play it endlessly. I joined the group in case I decide to start doing multiplayer games at some point. (And yeah, I know TQ has multiplayer components, but right now gaming is also an escape from socializing).

I’d be in on that, if I can bloody well find my discs.

I’m in the same boat, actually… I have a retail disc of COD4 around here somewhere but I don’t know where. I don’t know what the hell sort of dark ages we were living in that we have games on physical media not too long ago.

I’ve been buying games I already own on Steam for about a year - the lure of not having to find the damn discs is too great. Morrowind, Oblivion, Freedom Force, FF vs the 3rd Reich - all great games and now I own them twice.

By the way, the 10-pack of Freedom Force for $7.50 was too much to resist, so I now own 6 more copies (already gave 4 to RL friends on Steam). If any of y’all have not tried it, let me know and I’ll send you a copy. Best turn-based strategy superhero game ever.

Yep, same thing here. I’ve repurchased whole series just to avoid looking for those damned discs. Plus HD space is so cheap now a days, I have about 50% of my game collection loaded up on my drive and ready to go.

Add Mount & Blade Warband to the list of games I’m going to try to organize. We have 14ish SDMBers with the game now (and if anyone has it that’s not on my friends list, contact me), so maybe sometime later this week we can start stabbing each other in the face with sharp objects.

Dirt 2 is $5 today only. We have a somewhat active SDMB community for the game that just recently started getting together again. We can usually get 6+ of us together once a week. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had with a racing game - a great game and a blast in multiplayer. Yeah I know some of you bums don’t like racing games and most of the people we play with aren’t big racing game fans either, dirt 2 is just that awesome. If you have some sort of wheel/gamepad/joystick to use as a controller you’d have a hard time not having fun with it, and it’s only $5.

I’ve been trying to use the steam group scheduling feature more lately to get together games that not as many of us have (and hence harder to get a spontaneous full game together). With a few more people grabbing dirt 2, and the old crew starting to play again, I’m going to be scheduling some events. We should be able to fill games (8) players with 14 us relatively active people around.

Anyway, I’m going to try to schedule a game for tomorrow (Saturday) at 5 eastern. If we have too many, first come first serve. Make sure you have your games for windows live profile setup so you can play multiplayer, and add me as a friend (senorbeef0 - that’s a zero).

Because the in-game voice chat sucks, you should also install and configure ventrilo. It’s free and easy.

For reference, does Ventrilo work the same way Mumble does?

As far as I can tell, minus the interesting positional audio component.

I meant to organize some Warband games this week but I’ve been sick and sleeping weird hours.

I’m going to keep trying to make the Saturday afternoon dirt 2 games a regular thing, probably starting around 3-5pm eastern as soon as enough people are around.

I haven’t been on as much lately, but I would definitely be down for playing COD with a bunch of dopers. I have MW, WAW, MWF2, and Black Ops.

Finally got this during one of the Codemasters sales and will try to get in a group game one of these days. Would have tried the last one but was out at 5:00.

I joined today and my Steam name is RatBastard.

Signedup - Usernam PrecambrianMollusc

I mostly play civilisation which is not really a multiplayer game - but indulge in a bit of COD 4 MW, COD4 MW2, COD black ops and I have RUSE although I truly suck at that. Well suck more than I do at the fish games.

I always thought the Empire/Napoleon total war games only allowed 1v1 fighting, but after having played them a bit I see you can get 2 on 2 or even 4 on 4 matches with each side controlling some portion of a large army. It’d be interesting to get epic total war SDMB games going, so please contact me if you’re interested.

I’ve been sick and not really organizing much lately… played L4D2 a few times this week but never got around to trying to get a Warband game together amongst other stuff. Hopefully I’ll get some more stuff going soon, although with the Christmas sale upon us many people will want to go off and play their new games by themselves.

I’d also want to look in to scheduling some Civ 5 games for us. The multiplayer is simultaneous turn and kind of interesting… but the games, even on fast pace, still take 6+ hours, so we’d probably have to schedule several nights where we played 2-3 hours at a time, saved, and resumed later.

The Dirt 2 saturday thing has been going pretty well so we might as well keep it up. I’ll start looking to start up a game in a few hours when we have people.