SDMB Veteran's Parade...

[sup]Despite the opinion of a small minority, those of us who served in the military are not sociopathic babykillers. We are ordinary people who chose to serve our country in the uniform of our armed services. Some of us still do.[/sup]

In the United States, Veteran’s Day will be observed on Friday, November 10th. If we’re gonna have a parade by then, I suggest we start marshalling it now. I brought the traffic cones, but all veterans (active duty or not, U.S. or any other country) are welcome to participate, as well as the people we serve.

I’ll start the roll call:[ul]Baloo, SSgt, USAF, Ret.: HERE! [Salutes][/ul]

Geobabe, ET2 USN, 1984-1991 Present!

Hang on a minute, lemme go dig out my medals and ribbons…

Demo, SPC, USA, 1992-1999…Wasssuuuuup?
Hmm, I think I may have a spare kevlar around here somewhere.

Fletch, CPO, U.S.C.G. 1970 - 1991, Retired, Yup!!

slythe, E-4, U.S.A.F. 1976-1980

U.S.M.C. Sgt. 67-71
RVN 69-70

CTM2 USN, 1989-1994 reporting for marching orders.

Here, Top!
SPC, 159th MASH, 1987-93 (ARNG, activated for duty in Persian Gulf, 1990-1991)

I’m quite sure I don’t fit into my uniform anymore, but I’m here if anyone needs medical care.
HM1, U.S.N., 1977-1991

USN, SF1(DV) 1957 to 1967, Disabled.

HHC 1/12th Cav, 1st C.D., Fort Hood, Texas and Wildflecken, Germany, 1977-1980

AT2 (8/73-12/79)
LT (AMDO) (12/79-12/84)

Go Navy!! My hat and shoes still fit…forget the rest of the uniform…

My husband and my father are vetrans. Hubby won’t be marching though. He blew his knee out in service of his country, after many surgeries and physical therapy, he can walk agian. The doctors still insist he can’t, and warn us that eventually he will lose that faculty again so take it easy, his miles are limited.
I want to say a special thank you to all our vertans who were harmed physically and mentally in service of our country, during peace or war.

::hangs red, white and blue buntings from street lights::
::passes out small flags to people assembled::
::pins small poppy and American flag to lapel::
::wipes away small happy tear::

Redwing, E4 USAF 1993-1997, present and accounted for, SIR!

HM2 USN 1986-1990, Okinawa, San Diego.

Anyone call for a doc? :slight_smile:

Airman Frog reports as ordered!

Crunchy Frog E-4 USAF 1992-96 68th Intelligence Squadron, Brooks AFB, San Antonio TX.

So where were you stationed, Redwing? Seems as if we were in at about the same time.

E-4 USAF 1991-1996 Edwards AFB, Aviano AB.

Pet peeve I see every day. Please, it is V-E-T-E-R-A-N-S.

Thanks to all of you veterans, without you we wouldn’t have our freedom (and I wouldn’t have my job :)).

HM3 Clark reporting as ordered, Sir. USN 1993-96 (3x6).

Great Mistakes Naval Training Center, Illinois.
TDY with the Marines, Paris Island.
Jacksonville Naval Air Station.


vidi vici veni!