Seattle Dopefest anyone?

I know it’s short notice, but I’m flying in today, around until Wednesday.

For those spontaneous people like me, suggest a time, place.

I’ll have a car, a company credit card, and a sense of humor, so I might be considered dangerous.

Hmm, if had a bit more notice (and my son’s passport was renewed) I’d pop down from Vancouver, BC. If you feel like doing a day trip up this way, I’d be glad to meet up. Or part way?

We are planning on going to Vancouver, Sunday or Monday, let me know if either of those works for you.

Thanks for being such a gracious host **Mona Lisa. ** You make a killer tzatziki sauce, and hopefully your husband and my son aren’t so concerned about strangers from the internet in the future.

The weather could have been a little better, but the view from the beach was magnificent. I was surprised how much I really liked Vancouver.

Thanks again.

:eek: I’m so sad I didn’t see this! I would’ve bought you coffee. :frowning: I hope you had a nice visit, anyway.

Dang, I only just saw this! Hope you had a good time. I enjoyed meeting you on your last visit here!

Hope you had a great visit. Vancouver seemed like a good trip.

It would be a miracle for me to make an event, but who knows, next time you come through let us all know.

I think you’d really like ** Mona Lisa. **