According to last year’s thread, Aguecheek and Saltire will be at the George & Dragon pub tonight.
Unfortunately, I will not be there. I am invoking the currently popular “I’ve got a cold and a bunch of smoke and loud talking will only make it worse” excuse.
I should be there next week.
I’ll post a link to this thread in last year’s, as well.
I agree. Since **Anastasaeon ** is one of this week’s new doper heroines, and she’s said in the past that she might come to the quiz, this would be the perfect night for her to join us. How about it, you Ballardite, you?
My apologies for never showing up… I’m pretty shy… well, almost painfully shy in person, so I’ve been putting it off. I got brave and posted here, and then… just didn’t show up. :smack:
As for tonight, I didn’t realise it was Tuesday until 5 minutes ago, and I do already have plans made. I need to go to the bead store to spend my Christmas gift certificate from my FIL, and then tend to my own penis at home. (that would be my husband’s, lest anyone get any weird ideas).
One of these days, though, I will show up, just to conquer my social anxiety. You all sound like a good bunch.
No worries. I myself curl myself up into a foetal ball at the mention of meeting strangers. But one they’ve stopped pushing you into a corner, pointing, and laughing derisively, it’s all fun and games!
In all seriousness, I’m fully hip to the shyness thing, and all I can say is that we’re all very nice people (and very good looking, natch) who’ll do their best to make you feel comfortable. Come when you can and when you want. You’ll be welcome whenever.