Seattle Pub Trivia '08: With a Vengeance

So, a new year, a new trivia thread!

The rundown, in case you’ve been wanting to join us and haven’t yet: a group of Seattle-area Dopers meet to play pub trivia, usually on Tuesday nights at The Old Pequliar in Ballard, where Interrobang?! hosts once a month or so. Sometimes, we mix things up and go elsewhere on other nights, just to keep us on our toes.

Anyway, who’s in for tonight? I’ll be there, barring baby meltdowns.

One very sleepy man currently without identity will be there, barring baby meltdowns. Because, you know, sometimes you just have to stop an mock.

08’s my year, guys!
Just waiting untill february.
See y’all then!

Yeah, I’ll be there – bring your A game, it’s gonna be a doozy.

I’ll be there. After two weeks without a quiz, my brain is buzzing with incorrect guesses to answer obscure questions.

I am in New Jersey.

No, seriously. I’m in New Jersey.

Anyway, have fun.

Buzztime Trivia? My friends and I play the 2nd Tuesday of every month. But on Lawn Guylandt, significantly east of Seattle. :smiley:

Offhand, I don’t know where the local Buzztime venues are, but it’d be an interesting thing to try.

try looking here.

I’ve got my cold-weather waiting-for-the-bus clothes all ready, so I’m willing to brave the wacky Seattle ice-drivers and whatnot tonight. So I’m going to trivia, I hope. Who else?

Well, my husband is working the closing shift tonight, so I might have to stay home & watch the baby – y’all can do the knitting trivia round without me, right?

I’m in. I’m taking the long bus times as an opportunity to catch up on all my podcasts. Plus, Stargazer has to be there, since the round is knitting.

Oh, and I will be wearing my Packer gear, in honor of, well, the Packers.

I’ll be there.

Just a reminder: if stargazer is not there, she’s going to be baking a lot of cupcakes for the next 11 months.

I just got back from the airport. I could leave my suitcases on the dining room floor and rush out, but I think I just need to lie down for a while.

In honor of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, we should play trivia. Whoe else is in?

If you aren’t in, just call yourself Jim Crow.

I’m up for it. It’s a mystery first-time host tonight at the OP. Could be interesting!

Yes it could. Shall we bring a cribbage board just in case? Or a blowgun?

I’m out tonight – the husband is working and the baby and I are both sick, so it’s a triple-whammy of staying-home-itis.

I hope to be back in the thick of things next week!

Some kind of additional recreation couldn’t hurt.