This may seem like a trite request into getting some insight on human psychology, and I know I’m not a regular poster here, but bear with me … it’s a pretty simple question that I’d just like to get some opinions on. First, some dramatic expository. I know, I know, everyone hates it, but it’s necessary for some background.
I recently received a gift from a former girlfriend who I still maintain contact with. We’ve mutually agreed to be friends, even though I’d much rather it be more. She’s quite easily labelled as a bitch because she’s so stubborn, dogmatic about her beliefs, and doesn’t talk directly about what’s on her mind – instead choosing to hint at things and give mixed psychological signals, whether about a conversational topic or our friendship. Lately she’s been pretty forward with the physical flirtations when we see each other every few weeks … nudges, pokes, pinches, etc. We still have good times as friends but those moments make me unsure of how to act or respond. I just play it up and go along with it so as to not turn it into an awkward moment between us. I like to keep things lighthearted so as to not put either of us in an uncomfortable moment.
Moving on, she gave me this gift as a souvenir from a trip she went on recently. She’s never really given me any gifts, so it came as a surprise. Not an expensive gift by any means, but she is the type (like I said) to have a hidden meaning or motive behind the subtle things she does. The gift was nothing more than a primitive wooden fork and spoon bound in twine (she went to the Dominican Republic). Initially, I thought it was a cute gift – it’s the thought that counts, right? – and didn’t give it a second thought. I looked at them again today and it occurred to me that there may be a message hidden in this gift. The first thing that sprang to my mind was “does she want me to ask her to a nice dinner?” Sure, we’ve had “dinner dates” several times since we agreed to be “just friends”, but this gift seems oddly suggestive.
I apologize for all the personal drama, I don’t really like typing it much more than anyone really enjoys reading it, and maybe I’m looking too far into this … but she’s the only girl I still love to spend time with because she never ceases to surprise me with her unpredictably bittersweet edge. She’s never really been this forward since we parted ways, so I can’t help but wonder. I’m only trying to figure this out because I know her well enough to know that she must have some ulterior motive! Maybe she’s waiting for my reaction? Waiting to see if I got the hint? Anyone else agree, disagree, or just think I’m being an idiot and wasting my time giving this any thought?
Either way, I’d welcome any psychological or personal insight.
Thanks for reading,