I’m not sure where to put these advice-seeking things, so mods, please feel free to move this if needed.
Here’s my deal. I’ve been with the huz for 17 years, married for 9 of them. We were friends in high school, started dating in college (it started as a long-distance thing with 3-hour phone calls and 20-page letters). I was 20 when we started seeing each other and he was 21. We pretty much decided that this was it, and went forward from there. We moved in together and that was that.
And things seemed OK until a couple of years ago. That’s when I changed careers and discovered, much to my delight, that I’m really, really good at something. I found tons of confidence and learned to speak up for myself and expect to be treated with respect.
Well…problem. I started to realize that things hadn’t all been wonderful with the huz. He has a terrible temper, and had a tendency to scream at me, sometimes yank me around or shove me. And the career change had involved some financial hardship and lots of extra work on my part, so that was making him angrier than usual.
Adding to that was the fact that I was abused as a kid. My huz acts in many ways like my abusive ex-stepfather and like my grandpa. Obviously, there were issues here on my part. And also because of these issues, our sex life was never stellar.
So I was pissed off at him, and let him know. He got scared that I was going to leave and started trying to straighten himself out. But I just got angrier because it took 16 goddam years for him to make this decision. So I left him in November, staying with my mom for about a week to get clarity.
I decided that it was worth another try. He was obviously trying hard to change. So I went back. And things have been different. He’s still angry and negative often, but his temper is more under control. He’s been more attentive and less selfish.
But I’m still not happy. I feel, deep down, like I’ve made a terrible mistake. I feel like I married the wrong man. I love him, but there’s no passion or attraction. We haven’t had sex in almost a year.
And…we decided some time ago not to have kids. For me, it was a decision based on my history of abuse. I felt like I was ruined and wouldn’t be a fit mother. For him, it was that he doesn’t like kids. But now I’m regretting that decision. It’s not that I necessarily want to have children right now, but more that I don’t want to lose the option. And what’s bothering me is that if I decided I wanted kids and he was willing to go along with it…I don’t know if I want to have kids with him.
He’s a good man, at the heart of all of it. He’s trying hard to be better than he is. I desperately don’t want to hurt him. I know he loves me and that he’d be devastated if I left–and that’s something I can’t bear to think of doing to him. But if I don’t love him the way he deserves, if we’re not right for each other…
It’s all very confusing to me. So if any of you have read this far and are still interested or able to offer advice, please do.
Thanks everyone.