Dopers, my web-fu has failed me & I seek your help.
I’m looking to put together a song list for my brother based on a compilation album we grew up with, and my memory is failing me. This was a compilation published circa '75 (give or take a few years). My parents taped it off of an album they borrowed from friends, which they labeled Discomania 2, and it was a staple of our childhood. We’re now both in our mid to late 30s, feeling nostalgic & would like to replicate this album.
The songs I’m certain it contained are:
Chevy Van - Sammy Johns
Jackie Blue - The Ozark Mountain Devils
Black Superman - Johnny Wakelin
Run Joey Run - David Geddes
The Rockford Files Theme - Mike Post
It’s not a compendium of musical genius, I’ll grant you, but we’ve both been searching for this list of songs for a couple of years and have come up empty. Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.