September Board Member Decanting, Our Itty Bitty Ranting

I’m tired. I need to do laundry but haven’t had time. Hot weather broke but I’m stuck at work on long days. No lazy day at home until Tuesday. It seems a very long way away. I need a beer. And a clever thread title eluded me, though I finally seem to have gotten a chance at one, I usually get beaten to it though I never tried very hard. Humpf. :smack:

Well, feel free to shorten it… or at least explain it (I keep reshuffling the letters, then substituting consonants, then running it through an Esperanto dictionary, and I still feel like there’s a joke or MST3K reference I’m not getting).

No, just tried to be clever, do some rhyming, but really not much rhymes with September, rant or mini.


And now I’m just passing time waiting for the next train, I had to punch back in when I tried to leave, as some scumbag left two cats in a carrier on the porch. I had to set up cages for them (at 1:30am, mind) for the night so the morning crew can deal with them. One looks like his left eye is in pretty bad shape, whether it’s medicateable or will need to be removed will be determined when the vet sees him later this morning. I’m office personnel, I haven’t had to deal with the isolation wards and how to set up a cage in, like, 8 years. Took me forever. But at least the kitties are safe I guess.

Lost the novel, I just spent the past hour and a half on, so here’s the TLDR version: kaylasmom is in the hospital with CHF, and scheduled to undergo an angiogram (and hopefully angioplasty) on Friday morning.


Dear SeaDragon, thank you for your kindness to the kitties. And here’s hoping the eye can be saved.

Also best wishes to Kaylasmom.

Listen Excel, the massive amount of bullshit data on your clipboard has already been transferred to where it needed to go. I don’t need you looking over my shoulder and asking if I need to keep it on the clipboard when I close the worksheet.

And another thing. I high-lightened one column only because I want to sort one column only. had I wished to include other columns I WOULD HAVE HIGH-LIGHTENED THE OTHER FUCKING COLUMNS. So you don’t need to constantly nag me and force me to take extra steps just to sort one column.

Hoping for best outcome for kaylasmom

:crossing fingers for kaylasmom:

There is so much clusterf*ckering around me right now it isn’t funny. Thank god I’m not directly involved in any of it, but god, the next time I’m privy to any talk about it I’m going to punch somebody in the nose – figuratively, of course.

In Pennsylvania many shelters have cameras set up to get the license plate of people who just leave animals. It probably varies by state, but in PA abandoning an animal is a crime.

Excel was designed to piss people off. Yes, excel, I want to save as tab-delimited text so I can import into a database. Yes, I know some fancy excel features could be lost if I had put them in there, which I didn’t because I created it so I could save as a text file. And don’t even get me started on VLOOKUP, which sometimes works and sometimes refuses to do so.

First fucking day of September and I discover that one of my shirts from the Cleaners was damaged due to bleach spots. Now I have to take it back this evening so I can show them the damage so I can get my money back :mad:

Some sort of infection has given me a foot that the Elephant Man would be proud of. It hurts too much to walk to the pub and the antibiotics give me the shits.

When I used to work with the Spanish dog shelter, I would hear stories about dogs being thrown over their walls. Most shelters over there (I’m in the USA) are configured to have small dog packs separated into yards or paddocks, and the facilities are “fenced” with solid 6-foot walls to prevent escapes (and theft). It’s not at all ideal to throw a dog over a 6-foot wall, let alone toss him into a yard full of strange (to him) dogs who may or may not be welcoming to sudden newcomers.

But that’s not the worst. There were also occasional deaths because idiots would toss poisoned meat over the walls also. People are assholes.

It’s 6:15am and the seacow in front of me at the supermarket not only is paying by check, but she takes a full 5 minutes looking for her ID, then empties the cashier’s drawer asking for cash back. I may have made not-nice comments not-so-under-my-breath.


Excel has been my bane today as well. With, you guessed it, vlookup…

Did we do “Try to remember, the rants of September” last year?

Didn’t you remember?

… no. :frowning:

That’s what I remember.

I think “September” and “November” have both been rhymed with “remember” frequently in the rants threads for those months. So points to SeaDragonTattoo for originality in the name of this thread.